May 13, 2024

17 senate Democrats "urge" biden to DECREE way illegals can be given citizenship--and voting rights

Bet none of you heard a word about the story below, from March 26th (and it's now May 13!):

Chairs of congressional committees have unlimited power to introduce or block bills.  That's why majorities are so critical, cuz the majority party gets to appoint EVERY committee chair.  And when 17 Democrat senators--including the chair of the powerful senate judiciary committee--"urge the president" of their own party to do X, that's essentially announcing a new policy.  And here it is:

March 26, 2024

"Durbin and 17 other Dem senators urge President Biden to take executive action to provide "relief" for undocumented immigrants"

Oh, you mean "illegal alien invaders"?

Today Democrat senate majority whip and chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, led 17 Senate Democrats in requesting administrative relief for undocumented immigrants.

The letter outlines recommendations for executive actions to "streamline immigration relief for the undocumented population and DACA holders in the United States."

“We urge your Administration to take all available actions to *streamline pathways to lawful status for undocumented immigrants,"* wrote the Senators.

“Deporting all such individuals — as former President Donald Trump has threatened to do if reelected — would devastate the American economy and destroy American families,” continued the Senators. “Alternatively, streamlining pathways for undocumented immigrants with no criminal history and deep ties to the United States to obtain parole or a lawful immigration status would provide stability to their families, require them to pay taxes, and to check in with the U.S. government regularly.”

Specifically, the Democrats "Encourage action to streamline the process for DACA holders "to change to a nonimmigrant status;"

Ohhh, "to change [them] to a nonimmigrant status," y'say.  That's a VERY unusual term.  Obozo already used his Constitutional power to write and ignore laws (wait, just kidding: the Constitution says only congress can make laws.  But the Dems don't obey that old, outdated document) to let illegal DACAs  stay in the U.S. indefinitely, so what could the Dems mean by "non-immigrant status," eh? 

Sure: full citizenship--and thus the right to vote.  Any guesses who they'll vote for?

The senators also recommend that biden "modernize cancellation of removal rules to keep family caregivers together."

That phrase was carefully crafted to avoid giving voters the slightest hint of what it would do.  It would cancel "removal rules," allowing all illegals to stay in the U.S. forever--which has always been the Democrat party's intent. 

As an aside: the Democrats always come up with endearing acronyms for their bills/laws, which are designed to not give voters the slightest hint of what that bill/law does.  So it is with the term "Dreamers."  The Dems coined that inspiring name for their corrupt 2011 bill (now law) called "the Dream Act."

So do ya think even one percent of Americans know what the emotion-laden acronym "Dream" means?  Anyone?
"Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors."  You can see how hard the Dem strategists had to work to come up with terms that would yield the desired emotion-laden acronym, eh?  "Development"?  "Education"?  Sure.  They could have chosen any five words at random starting with the right five letters, cuz it's all horseshit anyway, designed to be emotionally compelling to dumbshits who have no concept of history.

Thanks, Democrats.


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