May 09, 2024

Everything the biden regime and the Media told you about covid was a lie. *Everything*

Chris Cuomo is the brother of former NY Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo (forced out for sexual assault) and son of former NY Democrat governor Mario.  He's also stupid, but with that sort of Democrat pedigree CNN was eager to hire him and give him his own hour-long show every weeknight.

He partnered with the equally stupid and corrupt Don Lemon, and the result was liberal heaven, though total lies.

For example: After the Chyna virus arrived, Trump mentioned a possible cure called "ivermectin"--a drug that had won its discoverer the Nobel Prize for medicine.  It was approved for human use in 1983 or so, as an "anti-parasitic agent." The CDC even published the recommended dose for African immigrants to the U.S.  The drug was also used to treat parasites in horses and cattle.

But since Trump had suggested it might be effective against the Chyna virus, Cuomo and Lemon fell all over themselves ridiculing the idea, sneering at the drug.  They "knew" that nothing Trump suggested could possibly be effective against such a *deadly* virus.  They sneered--and never mentioned the fact that the drug had been approved by our FDA in 1983 and had won the 2015 Nobel prize for medicine--which would have gotten a few people thinking maybe Trump might be right.  Ooohh, can't have that.

Then Karma arrived, and things got far more interesting.

Like all true believers, Chris had taken the "vaccine."  And the booster.  And still got covid.  He recovered, then got mysterious symptoms--brain fog--that he believes is "long Covid."  And suddenly he says he's taking...wait for it...ivermectin.

Wait, Chris, didn't you and your moronic gay sidekick Lemon absolutely assure your viewers that ivermectin was useless, even dangerous because you said it was a "horse de-wormer," deliberately, maliciously refusing to tell your equally stupid viewers that "our own" (ha) FDA had approved it for human use back in 1983?

Why yes, you lying pig-headed rat-bastard, you did.   Your corrupt brother killed 15,000 nursing home residents by ordering nursing homes to admit people with covid, and now your sneering at Ivermectin helped the biden regime get away with seizing all Ivermectin and preventing Americans with covid from taking it.

Now Cuomo's stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic drug for COVID-19 has magically reversed: the smug, know-it-all talking head-- who once bleated on his hour-long shitshow that anyone promoting Ivermectin should be "shamed"--now says he's taking it to deal with with his own symptoms of "long covid."

Cuomo said. "We were given bad information about Ivermectin."  But did you try doing even the most cursory research to find out it was approved by the FDA, or won the Nobel?  Either you did and just ignored those facts, or you didn't, in which case you're incompetent.  Pick one.

Even now Chris doesn't want to tell you the truth about where the "bad information" about Ivermectin came from:  It came from the biden regime and all its lackeys, like Fauci and Deborah Birx and Rochelle Wallensky [head of the CDC].  The regime used Dem state governors to threaten to yank the medical licenses of any doctor who prescribed the FDA-approved, Nobel-prize-winning drug. Those same Dem governors threatened to yank the license of any pharmacist who filled a prescription for it.

And now the lying biden propagandist Chrissy is taking the drug he repeatedly said was useless--a "horse de-wormer."

Here's Chrissy now:
>> The entire medical community knew Ivermectin couldn't hurt you. They knew it.  But they didn't say anything.

Here's his moronic sidekick, the impossibly arrogant Don Lemon a couple of years ago:
>>"People are getting, injecting, drugs for animals, and horse..."
    "And people telling them to!" Cuomo interjected. "A de-wormer? Really? ... they need to be shamed. They need to be called out and shamed, brother."

"Journalists"--who know almost no real science--claim that only "experts" should offer advice about technical subjects, but then they proceed to tell people what The Science (TM) supposedly is.  Of course they don't know, so they just parrot what a paid government lackey tells 'em.  

Either the talking heads are too naive or dumb to recognize that the regime may be lying, or they do realize it but are willing to play along to stay on the regime's good side.

Did CNN ever interview a single one of the hundreds of real doctors who said Ivermectin worked, or that the so-called "vaccine" was ineffective and dangerous?  Even ONE?

No, it didn't.  The Democrats and their Mainstream Media lackeys had one agenda: to sneer at President Trump, get Americans to and mobilize the agencies of the Deep State to make it impossible for Americans to use an FDA-approved, Nobel-prize-winning drug that scores of real doctors said cured covid in a couple of days.

The Media countered by bleating "Those pipo aren't real doctors, just folks trying to make money selling snake oil."  None of the regime's lackeys ever bothered to debate the actual findings by the pro-Ivermectin docs, because in any public debate they'd have to admit that the drug was FDA and CDC approved for human use 40 years ago.

They couldn't allow that.

These self-described Experts In Nothing But Being Arrogant media talking heads all sneered that a drug developed for humans, a drug so powerful that its development was awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015--was just a "horse de-wormer" and "horse paste."

Short answer:  Most "journalists" wouldn't know a milliliter from a cubic centimeter (yes, that's a joke), and yet believe they're experts on everything they bleat.  They're all arrogant blowhards with an agenda, yet they think they "know Science."



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