May 14, 2024

"Connected" NGOs run by former regime bigwigs are raking in BILLIONS at Mexican border

You have no idea how corrupt the biden regime is.  And if you're a hard-working, taxpaying American, you don't want to know, cuz it'll make you sick.  

Better not to know, eh?  Or you can be like my Democrat siblings: "Dis reeeally gud, comrade!  We needz ta allow all duh 'refugees' frum aroun' duh world ta cum here, cuz...reasons!  An' of course we hazta pay *someone* to take care of deez po' 'refugees' until we can send 'em to "sponsors" who'll 'care' fo' 'em.  An' dis so important dat it reezonable fo' duh CEOs of duh orgs to make a million a year!"

Wait...what?  Salaries of a million a year for the CEO of an NGO?  How the hell is that even possible?

Connected corruption.  Federal funding has turned the business of resettling migrant children into a goldmine for a handful of NGOs—and their top executives.   NGO's are literally making billions off the biden regime's open-borders policy.  That's by design.

It's hard to find how much money the biden regime is paying NGOs every year because those amounts are funneled thru a dozen different federal agencies--mainly DHS and HHS.  DHS runs the "Office of Refugee Resettlement," which has seen its budget quadruple in five years.  It's expected to spend at least $7.3 billion this year—almost all of which will be funneled to NGOs and other contractors.

These conniving, corrupt bastards are paying the CEOs of dozens of corrupt NGOs over half a million a year.  Example: An NGO called Global Refuge.  In 2018 it had $50 million in revenue.  Just four years later, under biden its revenue had quadrupled to $207 million—$180 million of which came from taxpayers.

The CEO of Global Refuge is Krish Vignarajah, who was "policy director" for Michelle Obama.  She's now making over half a million dollars a year.  Being connected helps Vignarajah rake in huge contracts:

The nonprofit declined to make Vignarajah available for an interview.

Example #2: Chip Fulghum, CEO of an NGO called "Endeavors."  *Ol' Chip was formerly the chief financial officer of the Department of Homeland Security* and was hired by the NGO in 2019.

Say, you don't think "Endeavors" hired ol' Chip because of who he knew at DHS--which, for the naive, runs many of these programs and thus can award any amount to whatever NGO the bureaucrats want.  Sweet, eh?  Take a look at the amount of federal awards since ol' Chip joined the NGO.  In just three years their grants from the regime went from zero to $1.4 BILLION:

As CFO for DHS Chip was only paid a paltry $180,000 a year (not including kickbacks).  But as an officer with the NGO, in 2022 ol' Chip was paid almost $600,000.  Quite a windfall, eh?  But he was worth every penny, since with his DHS connections he was able to get his NGO's contract with the DHS up to a staggering $1.3 BILLION in just three years!

Endeavors uses these taxpayer funds to offer "migrant children" “pet therapy,” “horticulture therapy,” and "music therapy."

Unless you're a government lackey you may not have heard of "music therapy," and now that you have, you may think it involves hiring music teachers at a whopping $50,000 per year, eh?

See, this is why you're not the CEO of a taxpayer-funded NGO like ol' Chip.  In 2021 alone, Endeavors paid "music therapist" Christy Merrell a staggering $533,000.

Here's Christy's website.  You really, really need to take a quick look to see a master class in bullshit.

According to its own federal disclosure forms, Endeavors gets 99.6 percent of its money from taxpayers.  The NGO declined to comment to The Free Press.

Thanks, Democrats!



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