May 16, 2024

In a bid to look tough, biden regime slaps tariffs on tiny amount of Chinese exports to U.S.

If you pay attention to national politics you may recall that when Trump slapped tariffs on $300 BILLION worth of Chinese exports to the U.S. the Democrats and the Mainstream Media screamed bloody murder!

Dems and MSM: "Dat jus' AWFUL!  Dat crazy Orange Man gon' start a trade war!  Plus his tariffs only make t'ings mo' expensive fo' Americans!  So once again, Trump bad!"

Ah, but of course that was then.  Now, as November approaches, Democrat strategists have decided that to win votes they need to be seen as acting tough on China.  So with the total support of the lying, corrupt Mainstream Media the biden regime has said it's doing what they screamed was totally AWFUL when the Orange Man did it:  they've proposed slapping tariffs on a few Chinese imports.

But when you read the fine print (which not one American in a million does) you find the tariffs will only apply to $18 billion of Chinese goods imported to the U.S. (compared to $300 billion under Trump).  Also, most of the tariffs won't even begin until 2025, which gives the regime lots of time to undo 'em.

But of course the average voter doesn't know any of those details.  Unless you take the time to do your own research you're limited to what the biden regime tells ya.

Democrat voter: "Why would I need to do any research?  The Media would nevah lie to us."

A good place to go to get the critical details is "The Straits Times" of Singapore.  But the average Democrat won't bother--they heard what the biden regime wanted 'em to hear, and that's all they care about.  Conned again.



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