May 17, 2024

DOJ brags about sentencing pipo who violate others' rights by blocking access

Two days ago biden's department of "justice" issued a press release bragging that they'd just sentenced seven defendants to prison for "conspiracy against rights and violating a VERY important Freedom of Access Act."

Hmmm..."Freedom of Access," y'say?  Ahh, like students being prevented from walking across their campus by pro-Hamas demonstrators?

The sentences were 57 months, 34 months, three for 27 months, one for 24 months and one for 21 months.  That's some fine deterrent for violatin' rights, eh?

And as the DOJ always does when they sentence scofflaws to prison, they held a big dog-and-pony show to reassure citizens that they're running things.  The black leftist who runs the DOJ's Civil Rights Division (Kristin Clarke) got right to the point: 

“Violence has no place in our national discourse on [redacted].  Using force, threatening to use force or physically obstructing access to [redacted] is unlawful,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen.

Next up was U.S. Attorney for DC, Matthew Graves, who pontificated 

“These defendants conspired to use force to prevent fellow citizens from exercising rights protected by law.  It's against the law to use force or intimidation to prevent others from engaging in lawful activity simply because someone disagrees with the law. Our magnificent department was founded to protect the civil rights of all our citizens, and we remain steadfast in this mission.”

Next up was the Assistant Director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, Michael Nordwall, who magnificently thundered

“These seven defendants executed an extensive blockade, distressing to anyone attempting to safely access their classrooms. Your magnificent FBI won't tolerate this, and will continue our work to ensure everyone has unimpeded access to their universities.”

Next up was the Assistant Director of the FBI's Washington Field Office, David Sundberg, who majestically intoned

“Today's sentencings show that the FBI and our magnificent, fair judicial system will not tolerate any obstruction of the civil rights of citizens we protect.  Your FBI remains constantly vigilant to investigate and prosecute violations of civil rights wherever they happen, so ALL citizens can exercise their rights without the threat of violence or intimidation.”

It was a magnificent show of the power and majesty and fairness of biden's agencies, specifically the DOJ and FBI.  Very inspiring.

Oh wait...did you think the DOJ and FBI were prosecuting pro-Hamas protesters on 44 college campuses for blocking access to classrooms, libraries and the like?

Hahahahahahaha!  No.  The FBI and DOJ won't prosecute ANY of those people denying students their rights, cuz biden can't afford to lose any Muzz votes.  Nah, the seven people sentenced to up to almost five YEARS in prison were prosecuted for (can you guess?)...

...blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic.  See, your congress passed a LAW allowing long prison sentences fo' dat.  

Okay, but no one will be prosecuted--or even expelled (for the one-third or so of the demonstrators who were actual students) for blocking campus facilities.  Cuz...votes, citizen.

"Everyone is equal under the law," citizen.  Well, almost everyone.  Well actually we all know there are two sets of laws:  an astonishingly lenient one for people the regime likes, and another, far harsher set for those it doesn't.

Source: DOJ press release


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