May 03, 2024

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

Well well well...cops went into NYU and dragged out the Hamas protesters.  And here's one of the posters the sons of bitches had taped to a column:

NOW, there's a principle that says if your enemy makes an "admission against interest" (for young Americans, that's an admission that would damage him/her or put 'em in a bad light), you should believe it.  The reason is that while they'd cheerfully lie to make you think they mean us no harm, if they're rational (I know, that's very debatable!) they wouldn't admit something that would be likely to cause alarm in most Americans, eh?

If you don't instantly understand that, you really don't need to worry about future.  Go in peace.

SO,..whoever printed this "declaration" seems to have declared war on the rest of us.  So be it.  Just remember that when you kill a handful of innocent American women and children, and the heavens open up and give you a closeup view of the inside of a sun, don't whine to me.  You were warned, you deserve it.  

Just like when your Hamas/Muslim brothers invaded Israel on Oct 7th.  Your moronic allies sowed the wind, and now they've reaped the whirlwind. 


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