May 03, 2024

Dem-ruled state gives $827 million CASH to struggling EV-maker Rivian

It won't surprise anyone that states love to have businesses open factories in their states.  Jobs and tax revenue, eh?  Sure.  So it's no surprise that states compete to offer companies HUGE tax breaks to make locating in their state more attractive.  

The tax breaks are either "tax credits" on state income taxes, or a signed deal to not charge the business any "ad-valorum" taxes (taxes on the value of your land and buildings) for a certain period--often ten years.

In corrupt states the deals can allow the companies to SELL those tax breaks to other companies for cash, which keeps the locating company from having to borrow that much money.  Nice.

But as political corruption without charges has expanded, state governors have begun offering companies actual cash grants, paid for by taxpayers.  In the past these amounts were relatively small--typically less than ten million, because taxpayers (voters) would suspect a kickback on larger amounts.

AH, but today...the corrupt state of Illinois (ruled by Dem governor J.B. Pritzker) has just offered Rivian a staggering $827 MILLION in CASH to expand the company's factory there.

Rivian said the money will go toward factory expansion, as well as improvements in public infrastructure and job training for its workforce as the plant — located about 140 miles southwest of Chicago — gears up to make the company’s next generation of electric vehicles.

Now: I'm not quarreling with the concept of states offering a company tax breaks to locate in their state.  And the cost to the state is the same whether it offers tax breaks or cash.  But the HUGE difference is that if a state gives a company cash, the chances of the company NOT using that cash for the proposed purpose go WAY up.  

And yes, I can show you dozens of cases where that happened.  The most notorious is a company called Solyndra, which manage to wangle a half-BILLION government-guaranteed loan from the Obozo regime.  The company borrowed the money, promptly gave all execs huge bonuses, and then declared bankruptcy--leaving American taxpayers to pay off the loan.

Total fraud, yet no one was charge, let alone punished, cuz...Obozo.  Media can't investigate a scandal by the first black preznit, eh?  The corrupt execs were allowed to keep the huge bonuses. 

SO....go find the press release from the Illinois Development Agency (or whatever corruptocrat name they've given it) saying how many people Rivian will hire for this $827 million, and when.  Then compare it to what they actually do.

Problem (from our standpoint) is that the results won't be known for years.  By the time the results are known, people will have forgotten about the huge cash bribe.  Pritzker will be out of office.  And $827 MILLION of taxpayer cash will have gone POOF.

Nice work, eh?


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