New Dem propagandist claims "Truth might be a distraction." And to them, it is
Two years ago a new darling of the Left and Democrats gave a "TED talk" in which she said this:
Seeking the truth...might not be the right place to start. In fact, our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”
Wait...if the two sides can't agree on what's true, how the hell can we find common ground? And if we can't, who decides what should "get done," eh?
Of course we know what the Democrats and the Left answer: "We'll let the Democrat-controlled senate decide what's true, and then we'll do what the senate tells us we must do. Simple!"<<
The socialist then adds (helpfully?),
“Now, that is not to say that the truth doesn’t exist, nor that the truth isn’t important. But...[she now proceeds to trash that statement] part of the reason we have such glorious chronicles to the human experience and all forms of culture is because we acknowledge there are many different truths.”
Ohhh, absolutely, sparky! For example, since 2020 one purported truth seems to be that some murders--by capitol cops killing unarmed females, or illegal alien invaders killing unarmed female joggers--are to be excused without charges, while others--a white male neutralizing a crazy black man who's threatening to kill people on a subway, or a bodega owner attacked by a knife-wielding black who manages to turn the tables--are awful and must be punished.
Those kinds of truths, your worship? How about these:
Democrat-ruled cities demand that muggers, thieves and rapists must quickly be released without having to post bail. But people the Democrats don't like are ordered to post a $450 million bond to remain free--later reduced to a mere $145 million. Or this: some Americans are jailed for failing to pay taxes, while the DOJ refuses to prosecute the connected former crack-addict son of the """president""" for exactly the same crime.
Those kinds of truths, your worship?
The Left and Democrats absolutely swooned over her bleats, because a) they were taught that in college and firmly believe it; and b) it's SO faabulously useful to them.
Now, with debating skills like these--rivaling those of satan himself--what position would you guess this cunning...pyrsyn...has just been appointed to fill?
a) Secretary of Defense?
b) Vice-president?
c) Secretary of Education?
d) CEO of National Public Radio?
e) Deputy Secretary of HHS for Health, after she completes her female-to-male "transition"?
Turns out she's the new CEO of NPR. The socialist who bleats that the idea of "truth" is a "distraction" is Katherine Maher, and she'll fit right in with the mission of NPR and PBS, which is to sell Americans the Democrat party line.
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