May 05, 2024

The U.K. has unlimited immigration. How's that worked out?

Most Americans pay no attention to events in other nations.  "Don' have nuffin to do wif us, eh?"  Just like what happens in, say, New York or Pennsylvania or California has no effect on the rest of us, eh?

(For the brain-dead, that's sarcasm.)

SO...the U.K. was once Christian, and most Brits were law-abiding.  That's changed radically, in part due to socialist politicians bribing voters by promising 'em money, but also because for the past 15 years Brit pols have allowed an unlimited number of Muslims to waltz into the U.K and claim "asylum."  

And how's that working out, eh?  Well...

The mayor of London is Muslim.

The mayor of Birmingham is Muslim.

The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.

Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.

The mayor of Sheffield is Muslim.

The mayor of Oxford is Muslim.

The mayor of Luton is Muslim.

The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.

The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim

All these electoral victories were achieved despite the fact that just 4 million of the 66 million people in the U.K. are Muslim.

Today there are over 3,000 mosques in the U.K.

There are over 130 sharia courts.  While they don't have official legal power, not a single politician is willing to buck any ruling they issue.  So effectively, they've seized legal standing.

63 percent of Muslims don't work, instead getting ALL their income from taxpayers--welfare and free housing, free utilities.

Muslim women have an average of over 6 children--all on government welfare.  The average non-Muslim family has fewer than two children.  Do the math.

Every government school in the UK is now required to teach their non-Muslim students about Islam. Nothing about Muslims throwing homosexuals off rooftops, or giving non-Muslims the three choices of the Koran (convert, pay the "infidel tax" or be killed) or any of the bloody history, of course.

No member of the public has ever been allowed to vote on the national policy of allowing unlimited numbers of Muslims to enter the U.K.  And as a direct result, the U.K. is dead.

You may have noticed that in the U.S.--as in the U.K--no American has ever been allowed to vote on the bribem regime policy of allowing everyone in the world into the U.S. if they just cross our southern border.

Somehow deez po' "refugees' manage to have enough cash to FLY to Mehico from around the world, then waltz across our non-existent border, welcomed by biden lackeys wearing "Border Patrol" uniforms, and are immediately given...everything, including free airline tickets to any city in the U.S.

How long before New York City or DC or Seattle or LA or Chitcongo has a Muslim mayor?

Democrat pol: "SO??  Dat jus' fine!  We needs t' haz mo' Muslims running ouah cities!  Cuz Islam beez way bettah den uddah religions.  Yep yep yep!  Look how crime has dropped in London under Khan!"

(For Americans: that's horseshit.)

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, China Joe, Nancy, Chuckie, Adam, Nadler, Swalwell, Maxine, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayana Pressley, Mitch McConnel, Paul Ryan, etc.  You've managed to destroy this once-great country better than a war, since none of the buildings or other assets will be damaged.  And if the people will be slaves to your corrupt party, bribed by foreign powers, you couldn't care less, cuz you'll still be rich and connected, just as now.

You did this deliberately.


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