May 03, 2024

Take a look at the crowd at this Trump rally

Watch this video of a Trump rally yesterday.  Look at how many people are there.  


Compare this to ANY biden "rally."  Who do ya think is FAR more popular with Americans, eh?  Yet as we get close to November the corrupt, lying Mainstream Media will be bleating that "opinion polls" and surveys are showing the two TIED.

They have to show the polls tied in order to make the steal look believable.  

We've all got a ringside seat to the battle of the century.  The Democrats stole the 2020 election, knowing no court would dare throw the nation into uncertainty by delaying biden's installation to investigate the thousands of affidavits claiming massive fraud.  

That calculation has been obvious for decades.  We just never thought a party would dare try massive election fraud.  Both parties counted on members of the other party not to commit election fraud.

Think the GOP has closed all the fraud loopholes for 2024?

Not even close.  Watch for precincts that tally 20% more total votes than eligible voters--with reported vote totals showing 95% of the votes for biden (or whatever candidate the dems replace him with). 

Watch for cops in Dem-ruled cities to order poll watchers out of the counting centers at 10pm, while "counting" is still going on.

Watch for surveillance videos to show Dem election workers "comparing" voter signatures on mail-in ballots to genuine signatures on file from registration, where the two sigs obviously aren't even remotely close--but the corrupt dem "worker" passes them as matching--which we have endless footage of from 2020, but no court would look at it.

Watch for tens of thousands of mail-in ballots with NO POSTMARK to be accepted as valid.  Same thing happened in 2020, and corrupt leftist judges instantly RULED that all such ballots must be accepted as valid.  Already happened in 2020.  Judges ruled as noted.

In most states mail-in ballots require witness signatures to be valid.  Watch for thousands of ballots that don't have those sigs to be ruled valid--just as in 2020.  Cuz duh judge ruleth, "Whut if duh voter cudn't read, so din' know ya had to have witnesses watch you sign yo' ballot, eh?  So if we don' count dis ballot, dat wud be 'voter supression,' eh?"  Already happened in 2020.

Watch for bags or boxes of ballots showing up at 3am with NO chain of custody receipts.  Dey jus' appear frum nowhere!  But hey, we gots ta count deez even if duh paperwork dat show where dey cum from ain''t there!  Cuz papers gets lost all duh time!  An' if we don' count deez, dat beez 'voter suppression,' right?"  Happened in 2020.

Problem is, even after I've pointed out these demonstrated kinds of vote fraud, because corrupt judges rule that you must count those ballots, you can't stop this obvious fraud.

That's why the Mainstream Media MUST show the opinion polls within a percent or two the day before the election--to make the fraud seem believable.


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