Pro-Hamas protesters at Portland State U destroy library. Photos of the destruction
The earnest, screaming, purple-haired, nose-ring communists who've taken over the quadrangles of 44 U.S. universities have done lots of damage, but nothing like the faggots at Portland State U. They did over a million worth of damage to...wait for it...the school's library.
See, duh libary [sic] beez duh sekret senter of duh po-leece an' duh Jewish Student Association. Yep yep yep. So duh Hamas crew had to destroy it to show duh Man dat dey ain't gon' allow no mo' libariez.
After cops dragged the pro-Hamas bastards out, other students went in to photograph the damage. Imagine you gave 200 monkeys all the spray paint they wanted, and four days to use it in a library. Here's the result.
You really need to see, oh, 50 or so of these to get idea of the moronic, destructive bent of these bastards.
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