February 16, 2024

biden's dept of "education" is about to issue RULES (decrees) adding "or gender" to Title IX

You have no idea how far the Democrats have solidified their insane demands to fundamentally change this nation (as Obozo swore to do when he was elected).  When they can't get a law passed, they do it by Executive Order.  

But if the Vegetable-in-chief is taking too much heat to issue a controversial EO--a DECREE-- his handlers get the head of one of the endless gruberment agencies to issue the same decree, so the Dems can claim "Dis DECREE haz nuffin' tuh do wif us!  Nope nope nope!"  Latest example:

Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the law that says (among many other things) schools can't discriminate on the basis of sex.  There are roughly a hundred specific things Title IX of that law prohibits if found to discriminate on the basis of sex.  That's the LAW.  But of course as a sophisticated society ruled by Democrats, we're WAY beyond silly things like laws, eh?  If duh rulers wanna ORDER you to do or not do X, dey don' need no stinkin' LAW, citizen!  Just a DECREE.  As you'll see:

Back when Pelosi was Speaker, the first bill your shit-eating Democrat rulers introduced (H.R.-1) was one they cunningly called "the Equality Act."  It ordered that the phrase "...or gender" be added to every one of those hundred-odd things that Title IX made illegal on the basis of sex.

SO...what happened to that bill?  Curiously, Nancy never brought the bill to the House floor--because she knew the Democrats didn't have enough votes to pass it even with support from 25 pencil-neck RINOs.

But of course Nancy and the Dems never take "NO" for an answer, so two years later they introduced the exact same bill in the next congress--and again never brought it up for a vote!  Cuz they knew the votes weren't there to pass it.  

Ah, but when Porridgebrain was elected--the vegetable who'll sign anything his handlers slide in front of him--the door was opened for a new attack.

Porridge-brain's handlers had him issue two "Executive Orders"--13,988 and 14,021--decreeing "It shall be the policy of this administration that Title IX shall be construed as including '...or gender...' everywhere "sex" is mentioned."

SO...yesterday the Dept of "Education" [it is to laugh, eh?] rolled out a webpage titled "View Rule," announcing a proposed rule--a decree--implementing Porridgebrain's earlier EOs.

Oddly (unless you understand how they work), even though the (undated) document is titled "View Rule," it doesn't actually tell you the rule.  And under standard boilerplate headings for "Alternatives" and "Risks" the thing simply says "This was discussed in the "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and will be discussed in the final regulations."

So if you want to find the story, you'll have to go somewhere else to find those.  What's their excuse for that?  Did duh DOE run out of electrons or something equally absurd?  They could have put the exact info on this page, but obviously didn't.  So where do you go to find the "discussion" in the NPRM that let a citizen decide what the FUCK these sons of bitches are doing?   They didn't even give you a link.  So good damn luck finding the "discussion," citizen.

Short answer:  after they realized they couldn't change the damn LAW, the sons of whores will now change the way the courts are ordered to interpret Title IX of that law.  So in a few weeks all public schools will be ordered to do the following:
   They'll be forced to allow boys claiming to be girls to compete against girls in sports;
   They'll be forced to allow boys claiming to be girls to use girls bathrooms and locker rooms;
   Teachers and "administrators" will be allowed to push kids to "change gender" and keep it secret from parents (although this will not be explicitly stated; it'll be disguised as a "safety measure.")

If you're a Democrat you're probably delighted about these changes, since you support the schools being allowed to "transition" your kid without your knowledge, and you voted for this son of a bitch and all his lackeys.  By contrast, if you're a conservative, and you're crushed that "your" gruberment is about to force all this down your throat BY DECREE, without ever actually amending the damn LAW, tough.  Cuz the fucking Democrats are ruling you.  

And if you object loudly, their corrupt liberal judges will throw you in jail.

If you don't believe that (and Democrats don't), you obviously don't keep up with current events.  (I've got two liberal sisters who are both attorneys, and neither know about the cases even after I give 'em the damn links to the cases.)

After this nation has been reduced to poverty, ignorance and illiteracy, scholars of the two remaining world powers--China and Russia--will write books trying to explain how the United States--once the most powerful and safe and lawful and free nation in the world--was destroyed.  That will be as big a mystery and source of debate as the fall of the Roman empire.



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