August 15, 2023

Marxism (communism): "It's what all the Kool Kidz are supporting!" Except...

Karl Marx was a miserable student and never had any patience for learning anything.  

Does that remind you of anything?  Children?  Leftists, perhaps?  Leftists are children, refusing to learn, yet claiming to know everything.

Marxism was (and is) a childish pseudoscience, so naturally it appealed to those bereft of learning and reasoning--the same crew that claims "If the government would just give every citizen $2,000 dollars a month for life, it would solve everything."
But even a blind hog can occasionally find an acorn: One of the seductive aspects of Marxism was that it claimed that the only way to understand anything was to try it--a premise that had great appeal for those who sneered at learning from things that had been tried (and failed) before.

For example, Soviet "collective farming" was a miserable failure.  But the communists blamed that, not on the failures of Marxist theory but to the stubbornness of the peasant farmers.  The Left has always redirected blame for its failures, as it continues to do today.

So...a great Leftist idea is "defunding the police."  How well has that been working for ya, citizens?

No matter how awful the results, every Dem-ruled shithole city will ignore the experience of earlier efforts and will still try it, and will get the same result as the previous 20 cities.  As the communists say about all their failures, "The problem, comrades, is that no one has done it right."

How about letting thugs and muggers out with no bail?  C'mon, leftists: How's that working for your citizens?  Oh wait, dat right: You don't care.

How about "guaranteed income" (a.k.a "universal basic income)?  How about "open borders"?  Forced vaxxing of two-year-olds?  Trillion-dollar-a-year deficits as far as the eye can see?  Printing trillions of dollars in paper money (euphemized as "quantitative easing")?

How about allowing parents to put their 8-year-old on puberty-blockers?  Sex-change surgeries for 13-year-olds?  How's all that working?  

The man who believes he is really a woman doesn’t want to be told otherwise.  "Trans women ARE women," eh?

Magical thinking defines the Left. "Reality is whatever the Party says it is, comrade."  To disbelieve the Party is a hate crime.

Children live in a magical world in which any gaps between dreams and reality are easily ignored, because the attention span is measured in hours. 


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