August 13, 2023

bidenfail's Energy Dept approves $1.2 BILLION for projects to suck CO2 from the air

The key claim of Global Warmies is that CO2, emitted by human activity, is causing the planet to warm to a dangerous degree.

If you're liberal and disagree with that summary, do let me know how you think it's wrong.

The biden regime and the Democrats totally buy that bullshit.  And now, with the brilliant clarity of ten-year-olds planning to rob a bank, the regime has directed its Energy Department--headed by the amazingly corrupt, incompetent Jenny Granholm--to spend $1.2 Billion on two pilot schemes to suck CO2 out of the air.

Energy Secretary Jenny "I am NOT crazy" Granholm

Funding for the to projects was buried in the Democrats' $1 TRILLION "infrastructure bill" passed in 2021.  That lard bucket authorized a total of $l3.5 billion for four commercial-scale CO2-capture plants.  

Hey, faaabulous plan, Joey!  We'll have everything back safe by next week!

Well...the atmosphere is pretty big, eh?  Anyone have any idea how much CO2 it contains?

Really, take a guess.  A billion tons?  Ten billion?

Okay, we really didn't expect anyone to have any idea, cuz it's not your field.  The experts say 3.29 x 10^18 grams.

Democrat: "Grams don't sound like much, eh?  I'll bet we can cut the amount in half in a few years, eh?"

Me: "Um...any idea how many tons 10^18 grams is, sparky?"

Democrat: "Oh, prolly around ten billion.  So if these great pilot projects the faaaabulous Jenny will fund take out a billion tons a year, we'll have 'er done in ten years!  Yay!  Another fabulous Democrat success story!"

Me: "Actually it's about 7 x 10^15 pounds, or 3.5 x 10^12 tons."

Democrat: "Is that more or less than ten billion?  What does that little "^" mean?"

Me: That's 3,500 billion tons.  So to reduce that by just one percent you'll have to remove 35 billion tons of CO2.

Democrat: "No problem.  How many tons a year can these two pilot projects remove?"

Me: One of 'em says they're shooting to take out 30 million metric tons per year, or about 33 million regular tons.

Dem: "Yay!  Mission accomplished!  Build four of those, with money *already appropriated*, and we'll take out 130 million tons of dat awful, climate-killin' CO2 per year!  So we'll be done by what, 2050 or so?"

Me: Um...divide 35 billion by 130 million tons per year.  How many years is that?

Democrat: "Uh...ten?  Twenty?  Dis not fair!  Cuz yew can't do that wifout a calculator!"

Me: Well some of us can, but you wouldn't believe me anyway.  So use your phone's calculator and tell me what you get.

Democrat: "Uh...269.  Is that days or weeks or what?"

Me: That's 269 years.  

Democrat: "Yay!  Another faabulously successful Democrat policy!"

Now here's the hoot: Assuming that 20 years from now everything is just about like it is today, will the Dems and Warmies admit they were wrong?  

Of course not!  Instead they'll claim that spending $3.5 BILLION to remove seven one-hundredths of one percent of the CO2 from the air--reducing CO2 from about 410 ppm today to 409.7 ppm--saved the planet and everyone one it!  They'll give themselves dazzling awards for saving humanity.

One more hoot:  Since the 1950s oil companies have known that they can get more oil from old formations by injecting CO2 under pressure.  So since one of the companies that's getting a piece of the $1.3 BILLION is Occidental Petroleum, climate snowflakes were worried that Oxy would use the captured CO2 to increase oil production.

A DOE spokesflack quickly smacked down that speculation, saying that wouldn't be allowed.

Shocker, eh?


Oh, and DO read the comments in the WaPo about this faabulous scheme!  The Post's readership is almost entirely Democrat, and the commenters are positively orgasmic about this!


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