August 13, 2023

Recap of the scam: covid and the jab, and "excess deaths"

Following summary is for those who are either too busy to have followed the thing carefully, or were too young when it happened to be very interested:

Wuhan, China, is a city of about 10 million people.  The first case of covid appears to have occurred in Wuhan around September of 2019, but it wasn't immediately recognized as a new virus.  Chinese officials have been very secretive about how many died of the virus in Wuhan, but estimates are over 40,000.  

Chinese officials quarantined the province, literally blocking roads and preventing people from leaving the area.  However, the Chinese government allowed Wuhan residents to continue flying overseas.  This will prove critical.

The first confirmed case in the U.S. was January 29th, 2020, in Seattle.

Anthony Fauci is a lying, cunning, attention-loving rat-bastard.  So not surprisingly, the U.S. Mainstream Media was totally captivated by him, endlessly parroting every word he said.

What the Media didn't know at the time (and never told you after they found out) was that Fauci had used grants--taxpayer funds--to fund "gain of function research" at a Chinese virus lab called the Wuhan Institute of Virology.   

So Fauci was desperate to hide this fact.  Even after we found the 2015 research paper published by the Wuhan team thanking Fauci's NIAID for funding their work, he continued to lie about it, even to congress.

Fauci also sneered at two drugs that showed great results in treating those infected with the virus: HCQ and ivermectin.  Instead he pushed a killer drug called Remdesivir--by name, in public announcements.  Remdesivir was astonishingly expensive, and killed far more people than it saved.  You may wonder why Fauci pushed it.  Good question.

When a new virus hits, a natural response is to develope a vaccine, as we did for polio, measles, mumps and so on.  Normally this takes years of testing, but "duh rulz" provide that *in an emergency* all duh rulz are suspended, so that the vax can get to market faster.

That's called "Emergency Use Authorization," and it allows a "vaccine" to be approved with far, FAR less than the usual testing.

But here's the crucial catch: the FDA can only give a drug or vax "emergency use authorization" (thus suspending duh normal rulz and cutting the testing) *if it DECREES that there are no other effective treatments for the disease.*

This is one of the keys to the scam, and explains why Fauci worked so hard to discredit HCQ and ivermectin: He had to ensure that the FDA would *rule* that no existing drugs were effective in treating covid.  Which is what the FDA ruled.

On December 11, 2020, the FDA granted "emergency use authorization" for Pfizer's vaccine, allowing it to be injected into anyone 16 or older.  Millions of parents rushed to get the jab, and get their 16-year-olds jabbed.

About five months later (May 10, 2021)--before there was any long-term study of the effects of the jab, the FDA ruled that duh vax was safe to give to kids as young as 12.  And because the Media had hyped up the fear that the virus was deadly to kids (spoiler: it wasn't, except to those with "co-morbidities"), millions of parents rushed to get their 12-year-olds jabbed.

On June 17, 2022 the FDA decreed that the jab was safe for children down to 6 months of age.  And millions of parents rushed out to get their infants jabbed.

Now, since then you may have seen or heard about young, fit athletes "dying suddenly."  Same for TV newsreaders, or anyone in front of a TV camera: they suddenly collapse, sometimes die.

The pro-jab, pro-Fauci Mainstream Media has utterly ignored this.  The only way you have to know about it is by endless videos posted on the internet of people collapsing.

This has triggered an interesting (and totally predictable) response from duh FDA: instead of being eager to find the cause, they've done the opposite: they've totally ignored it.

They've sneered that this is normal--that people have always dropped dead on TV from never-explained causes.  You just never noticed it before, citizen.  You only think it's new because of "disinformation."

See?  Surely you recall two or three highschool classmates who just dropped dead at 16 of no known cause, right?  Right?  See, you've just forgotten, cuz it wasn't on TV.  Yeh, dat it.

Yeah.  Well, now the CDC has quietly released a report--totally ignored by the Mainstream Media--revealing that there have indeed been a metric ton of what they call "excess deaths" in kids.

Over 118,000 of those deaths are suspected to be linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects.

The only place I've been able to find these figures is NOT directly from the CDC, but from a website run by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is a group of 38 reasonably free nations with strong economies.)

The site's layout is absolutely awful, but if you select "age 0-44 years" and 2020 (i.e. before the jab) it shows an average of about 7 percent excess death--presumably attributable to covid.

But if you select 2023 you see that thru week 22 (end of May) the U.S. had an average of roughly 20 percent more deaths than the 2015-to-2019 average.

Now go back: For the first five weeks of 2022--just a year  after the FDA approved the experimental jab--the OECD site shows over 40 percent excess deaths each week in the 0-44 age range.  The specific numbers shown for weeks 1 thru 5 are 45.7%, 48.1%, 45.8%, 40.4% and 38.4%.

Those are staggering figures--so huge that skeptics are inclined to think it's fiction.  But what would be the motive?

Another interesting pattern: Canada (high percentage of vaxxed) had percentages of excess deaths in the 30's.'d think that if the OECD numbers were fictitious, someone would have caught it by now.  But then again, if they were correct you'd think the Mainstream Media would have shouted about it, eh?

Oh mean the same media that totally fawned over every lie that dripped from Fauci's corrupt mouth?  The same Media that eagerly joined the FDA in sneering at HCQ and ivermectin?  THAT mainstream media?

Are ya beginning to understand yet?

To summarize:  The idea that young, otherwise healthy Americans--including athletes who would be expected to be in great shape--are dying in unusual numbers isn't your imagination.  It's absolutely true.  And the numbers are *stunningly high.*

The CDC knows these numbers but has played dumb, refusing to investigate whether most of the deaths in young, fit people were in those who'd taken the jab, and refusing to do autopsies. (Spoiler: the CDC already knows what autopsies would find, since embalmers have reported the long, stringy clots for almost two years.)

Oh, and here's another shocker: There's a case being heard now by the 5th circuit court of appeals, in which an attorney for the gruberment now claims the FDA did NOT *insist* that Americans not take ivermectin!  If you're curious, that'll be my next post today.


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