August 14, 2023

Two VERY interesting graphs!

Whut dis?

Well the title says it's a graph of atmospheric CO2 since 1960.  And this is something that seems to be uncontested.

SO..."The Science is settled," right?

Wait...what "science" do you mean?

"Why, that human activity--specifically burning anything--is causing the planet to warm by a soon-to-be-fatal amount, you deplorable Science-denier!"

Ah.  Cuz it's SO plausible, right?  "CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  More CO2 equals more greenhouse effect.  QED!"

Okay, college students, complete the following sentence:  "Correlation does not imply..." what?

Say, ya know what else has risen exponentially since 1960?  (And in fact for a century before that.)

The national debt.  Income taxes.  Welfare expenditures.  But if someone were to claim any of those things caused Global Warming, everyone would instantly recognize that such a correlation is a far cry from showing...causation.

"But...but...but wif duh dread pollutant CO2 we KNOW dat it beez a 'greenhouse gas'!  So dat prove causation!  No doubt about it!"

No, sparky, it doesn't.  Let me show ya.

Whut dis?

As you see, the above plot is from NOAA, so a "trusted source," eh?  Very pro-Globull-Worming.  They've always toed the Democrat party line in the past.

Now:  Since 1960 CO2 levels have increased "monotonically"--meaning always up, never down.  So if you contend that Global Warming is caused by CO2--which again, has been rising for 60 years--why do we see relatively HUGE drops in global temps?  (The warmies claim half a degree of rise is dooming us, and the excursions you see above are four times that allegedly-fatal increase.)

Again, CO2 didn't fall in any of the times shown, right?  So if CO2 is "THE" driver for Globull Worming, why did average global temps fall?

That should be a simple question for the Warmies to answer, since they claim "The Science is settled," eh?  Ask your "expert" professors or liberal friends--cuz here's the kaboom: 

No matter what their answer is, the global temp records--courtesy of the warmiez at NOAA--show that something else was MORE powerful--enough to make the temps drop, despite CO2 constantly rising.  So whatever caused the drop, it was more powerful than CO2.

"Wait...I thought CO2 was the sole, dominant forcing mechanism causing Globull Worming!!  If that was true, how could anything overpower it??"

Ah, great question.  Perhaps you're starting to understand.  


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