February 28, 2023

More govt agencies *quietly* admit Fauci lied, and duh Chyna virus was indeed modified in a lab in Wuhan

In the past, whenever a deadly new disease emerged, scientists were eager to discover where it came from and how it evolved to become deadly to humans.

In the past that has always been true.  And when covid hit the world in January of 2020, mainstream scientists quickly announced--without a shred of evidence--that the deadly virus evolved totally naturally, from a bat virus.  They said that bat virus made the jump to humans when a resident of Wuhan ate an infected bat, purchased at the "wet market" there.

Or maybe it wasn't an infected bat.  Maybe it was a "pangolin."  Since not one American in a thousand knows what a pangolin is, this made The Narrative sound even more exotic, thus believable by naive people.

But when a handful of curious Americans asked where the evidence was to support that explanation, scientists suddeny clammed up.  No one could explain.  The Lying Mainstream Media slavishly parroted the Party Line that it evolved "naturally" from a bat virus, with the infected bat eaten by a resident of Wuhan.

Or maybe a "pangolin."  

And as far as the Mainstream Media was concerned, "the Science was settled!"  (Does that phrase ring any bells for any of ya?)  And anyone who questioned the Narrative was screamingly denounced as a raaaacist.  

If you paid attention back when the Chyna virus shut down our economy and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, you may recall that early-on Trump said it came from a lab in China--and every single Mainstream Media outlet went nuts, calling Trump a raaaaacist for DARING to say such a thing!  Fauci and his minions repeated the Narrative, which was dutifully parroted by the lying, corrupt Mainstream Media, and that was the end of the discussion.

Skeptical scientists--and there were lots--quickly got the message that if you questioned the Narrative, your grants would vanish.  Users of Fakebook and pre-Musk Twatter had their accounts cancelled if they posted anything that questioned The Narrative.

All the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC and the alphabet networks either sneered at Trump or laughed at what they said was the gullibility of stupid "science deniers" who questioned The Narrative.  Late-night "comedians" constantly laughted at how anyone who questioned The Narrative was a tinfoil-hat-wearing "conspiracy theorist."

Any of that sound familiar?

One problem:  All of it was a lie, carefully spread by Anthony Fauci and his minions, then spread by the corrupt, Trump-hating Mainstream Media.

The source of most of the Narrative lies was Fauci, because he had personally approved a grant of taxpayer funds to a "cutout" which forwarded most of that money to the Chinese military lab in Wuhan to support research into...wait for it...modifying bat coronaviruses to make them lethal to humans.  Those experiments were so dangerous that congress had passed a law making it illegal to perform them in the U.S.  But Fauci knew how to get around that.

So obviously Fauci would have done anything to keep that from being discovered.  And he went to great lengths to mislead the public, to keep the secret hidden.

But now, slowly, more and more gruberment agencies--total toadies for the biden regime--are very quietly issuing reports or conclusions saying that the virus did NOT evolve naturally, but was deliberately modified in a Chinese level-4 bio-lab in Wuhan.

The key here is that word "quietly."  The agencies don't want to admit that Trump (and those of us who independently examined the genetic sequence to learn the truth) was right all along, because they don't want people asking "Why were you bastards so utterly incurious back when the Left was brazenly lying in pushing The Narrative, eh?"

Another reason for the quiet release is that biden has taken tens of millions from the communist government of China, so biden and his handlers are trying to conceal Chinese culpability.  Oh wait, I forgot: You don't believe biden has bagged tens of millions from China.

We have copies of the bank wire transfers to Hunter's many companies.  But no big deal, right?

Anyway, if you'd like to watch a great compilation of 5-second clips of TV talking heads spouting the bullshit Narrative and sneering at anyone who claimed the virus was modified in a Chinese military lab in Wuhan, click here.  Tucker Carlson's folks are SO good at finding Dem talking heads lying on video.

If you're short on time, the part about yet another government agency admitting that the official Narrative--the false cover story--about the origin of the Chyna virus starts at 3:15.

And just for the record: Trump was right.  Fauci and the Dems and the Mainstream Media were lying.



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