This happens *every day now*--yet you never hear a word about it. Why do you think that is?
Jack Snyder was a highschool senior in Battle Creek, Michigan. Good athlete, good grades, nice guy.
Around midnight on Feb 17 Jack was driving home from his girlfriend's birthday party when he saw two young teens walking. It was 12 degrees outside, so Jack stopped and offered them a ride.
And with only that brief lead, you already know what's about to happen, right? You know. That shows how far into the pit this country has fallen, that every one of you reading this already knows what's about to happen..
Minutes later the teens--13 and 14--pulled a gun and ordered Snyder out of the car. When he resisted, they shot him, twice.
Two hours later cops found the 14-year-old shooter hiding in a parked car near the scene. The other turned himself in a day later.
Every single stupid Democrat: "You know what will fix this? If our leaders ban civilians from owning guns! Yeh, dat's it!!!"
Now: You'll never see this in the national news because they say it's of "local interest only." And the local TV stations are always very careful not to give any clues to the identity of the killers. Newzpapers don't give any names of the killers cuz dey too young, eh?
This happens literally every day now--but you'll never hear about it if you rely on the Lying Mainstream Media for your "newz." You know, the same Media that never asks Democrats hard questions but salivates over indicting Trump.
The media that fawns over 15-year-old trannies but ignores the murders of straight white males.
The media that blythely ignores the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, because even a moment of actual investigation will show the biden regime refusing to offer any help, despite the clear screw-up in burning 600,000 gallons of toxic chemicals.
Hey, look! Your Dear Leader flew to Ukraine! And the media are comparing this bravery to General George Washington and Lincoln! Isn't Dear Leader absolutely faaaabulous?
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