Along the Panama invasion corridor with Mike Yon
Mike Yon is a former Green Beret who understandably doesn't trust the Mainstream Media, so he goes to conflict zones and reports what he sees. I've read his dispatches for a decade or so, and he seems to be a straight-shooter.
Here he's reporting from Puerto Limon in Panama, at what's called the Darien Gap, mingling with and interviewing so-called "migrants." Or as the Lying Mainstream Media calls 'em, "refugees."
Interestingly, very few of the so-called "refugees" are women or children. Instead most are young men of military age. Ah, so they're fleeing persecution because they supported freedom in their home countries, tried to oppose despotic regimes, eh?
Hahahahaha! No. Oh, all the regimes are certainly "despotic," but these so-called "refugees" were never persecuted, because they never openly opposed the government in their countries, never pushed for freedom-- because they saw what happened to anyone who opposed the regime in Venezuela. So they're pouring across our border for far different reasons. And we'll get to that.
One constant among all of them: They all say they came because "everyone knew" that biden had announced that all "migrants" were welcome to enter the U.S. And staff with so-called "religious organizations" told them that if they claimed to be "refugees" they were guaranteed to be allowed to stay.
Yon says many of the so-called "refugees" are from Afghanistan and China. He says about a thousand men from over a hundred countries go through the Darien Gap every day on their way to New York and L.A. and Dallas and Denver.
The "migrants" (or as the Lying Mainstream Media always calls them, "refugees") are reasonably well dressed and well fed. Many have new Nike sneakers and iPhones. So if they were "poor," how did they pay for their iPhones and clothes and travel?
Turns out the "refugees" are funded mostly by Americans, either the U.S. government or the UN/IOM, World Food Program, Red Cross, and various U.S. religious groups. Many also pay smugglers: Some Indians said they paid $20,000 U.S. dollars each, while some Chinese said they paid 7k.
Yon is blunt in claiming this is an obvious invasion force. He says this would be obvious to anyone who interviewed a few hundred of them. But the U.S. Media will never say that, for two reasons: First, everyone who works for the Lying Mainstream Media is "woke," so would never write anything that would tell Americans the truth about the invaders.
Second, the U.S. Media is completely, totally devoted to the Democrat party, and since biden has completely stopped enforcing longstanding U.S. immigration law, telling the truth about the invaders would cost the Dems a few thousand votes.
Yon says most of the invaders likely have no idea that they're going to be fighting. But being a former Green Beret who's spent lots of time studying history, Yon believes fighting--total war--is inevitable.
He thinks most of the invaders won't assimilate, but will be indoctrinated to hate both whites and Asians, and anyone else who isn't wildly racist against whites. And there are almost endles historical examples.
Because so many Americans are familiar with Ukraine, let's take that country: When Stalin was solidifying his grip on the USSR, he pushed the communist idea of "collective farming," in which all farmers would work for the benefit of the State. Diligent, skilled farmers would earn no more than stupid slackers, cuz that's how "collective" anything works.
Successful farmers in Ukraine opposed this, for what should be obvious reasons. They were called "kulaks."
Stalin, like biden and other dictators, didn't care what the population wanted, so began a propaganda campaign claiming the kulaks were greedy and selfish, and wanted to extort money from non-farmers by charging more for food. To communists that meant they were "enemies of the State," "counter-revolutionaries."
Every State media outlet labeled the kulaks as evil people, prompting most non-farmers to hate them. This is a common tactic throughout history. In America, people the regime wants to crush are called "racist" or "transphobic" or "greedy."
With the "battlespace"--the uncontradicted "opinion" of all good Soviet citizens--thus prepared, Stalin sent soldiers to Ukraine to confiscate all food--including seeds. The result was a huge famine in which millions died of starvation.
Those who survived never forgot who killed their families.
Propagandists know it's easy to fan the flames of hate, and to direct that hate against any selected target group. Yon believes that after the invaders have been induced to hate whites and Asians, free government food (EBT cards) will be cut off. The government will blame whites and Asians, and the invaders will see this as a green light to take everything they can.
Yon believes the invaders will kill and torture out of hate, and because many were raised in savagery to begin with. If you think that's absurd--just "inflammatory right-wing rhetoric"--and you do--look at how many members of the violent MS-13 gang have brutally hacked American teens to death with machetes in Maryland and Virginia. It's staggering--and the convicted killers are not merely totally unapologetic, but actually *smug.*
Of course the biden regime will completely ignore Yon's piece. Ordinary Democrats will try to discredit Yon and other critics of open borders by claiming opponents of unlimited illegal immigration are "raaaacist." But Yon claims this is a recurring pattern throughout history, and I think he's right.
While Democrat pols will sneeringly try to dismiss this as a tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory, it's actually a constant of history.
Yon says early in 2020—before the corrupt FDA approved the first Pfizer fake-vax for "emergency use"--he warned readers not to take it. I don't know if that's true but if it is, it suggests he's a perceptive guy.
So now he warns that war is coming. Of course being right about the fake jab has no bearing on whether Yon is right about the disguised invasion too. But it's interesting.
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