February 25, 2023

CDC revised toxicity "fact sheet" just before train disaster, deleted "How can vinyl chloride affect children?"

Vinyl chloride is all over the environment--all made by humans.  It's about as nasty a chemical as we've allowed into frequent contact with humans.

"Your" faaaaabulously corrupt, incompetent Center for Disease "Control" put out a "toxicity fact sheet" on the stuff back in 1987.  They updated it three times since then, with the next to last being in 2006--17 years ago.

Then in a faaaabulous coincidence, the CDC updated the tox sheet just two weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.  

Wow, quite a coincidence, eh?

But even more interesting is that the revised version deleted two key sections, "How can vinyl chloride affect children?" and "How can families reduce the risk of exposure to vinyl chloride?"

Wow, how...convenient for duh biden regime, eh?  And especially for that incompetent moron Buttigeig.

Oh wait...you don't believe any of this.  And why?  Because you get all your "newz" (i.e.fake news) from the Lying Mainstream Media.  Since they didn't tell you this, it must not have happened, eh?  Yeah, well, take a look at the side-by-side pics below.  On the left is the version before mid-January, and on the right the "after" version.  Notice anything different?  (Pic may expand if you click it.)

Now: I don't think this was done deliberately.  But after thousands of "odd coincidences" surrounding this installed regime I'm starting to question a lot of things. 

If you're still skeptical, here's the link to the current version.

The section the CDC removed on "How can vinyl chloride affect children" said "studies in animals suggest that vinyl chloride might affect growth and development. Animal studies also suggest that infants and young children might be more susceptible than adults to vinyl chloride-induced cancer.” You'd think this would be extremely important information in the event of a spill.  If so, why would the the wokies at the CDC remove this vital info?

Finally, if you want to know a LOT more about what the CDC really knows about vinyl chloride, click here.  

Hidden on page 86 of this document's 293 pages of mostly impenetrable bureaubabble.are a few key  paragraphs admitting that yes, this stuff causes not just cancer but a huge range of health problems, especially in children.  If the biden regime had anyone competent in it, they would have ordered the CDC and EPA and HHS to warn everyone in the town about the effects, and get them out until everything had been tested.  Recover the cost of hotels and meals and loss of income from the railroad.

But of course the biden regime has chosen to ignore the situation.  Shitforbrains (wait, which one?) Buttigeig wouldn't even answer questions from reporters--certainly because he doesn't want to be exposed as not knowing a thing about it.  Or not wanting to tell the truth.

Eh, who cares, right?  You don't live there, nor do any Hollywood stars or politicians or other elites, so it doesn't matter to DC.

Besides, the cancers won't appear for 20 years or so.  And childhood disabilities?  "Experts" can be found to testify any such are due to poor nutrition, or global warming or any desired bullshit.  The only important thing is to keep anyone from connecting the Democrat regime to any ill effects.


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