February 23, 2023

Former member of the "elites"--now a has-been gasbag--bleats that Fox News should be "closed down"

A decade or so ago Keith Olbermann was one of the darlings of the Left.  Had his own late-night conservative-bashing show on some dip-shit "major" broadcast network.  And that was back when broadcast television was a big deal!  So you can appreciate that KO was one of the self-styled "elites."

The tweet above is from three days ago.  As you see, Nazi KO wants to "de-platform" (the kool kidz word for "cancel") and "close down" Fox News.

Wait...when some old guys a couple of centuries ago allegedly founded some long-vanished country on the basis of some goofy thing called "freedom" have as one of the pillars of that nation a thing called "freedom of speech"?

Why yes, I vaguely recall they did.  But when I try to find where and how and what country, all I get from Google is "This situation is rapidly changing, so check back later after we've had time to delete all the newz you shouldn't be reading."

So KO's clear hatred of free speech is bad enough.  But the details make it worse: It was widely known that the biden regime had 14,000 hours of surveillance video from a thousand or so cameras in the capitol building.  But as you surely guessed by now, the regime would only release an hour or two of it.

Through their scribes and parrots in the Media they conveyed that they were refusing to release the rest because "it would compromise security."  This was never explained, and no so-called "reporter" for the Mainstream Media (more accurately "parrot" or "scribe" or "gauleiter") ever asked why that would be true--because the regime didn't want to explain.

The explanation vaguely hinted at by Talking Heads of MSNBC, CNN and the alphabets was that seeing thousands of hours of video would enable bad people to locate all the cameras, and thus presumably to calculate safe spaces the cameras weren't watching.

This is about as implausible as the regime Narrative that the Russians blew up their own Nord Stream pipelines.  

The real reason the regime refused to release the video was that it would be more likely to show far more FBI infiltrators and inciters--the folks who made the stroll thru the "Peoples' House" into the worst threat since Pearl Harbor, or some such.  

In any case, Fox asked incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy to release all the video, which he finally did.

Of course the video will show nothing, even if it originally caught unequivocal evidence of FBI conspiracy and entrapment--because the sons of bitches have had over two years to examine every frame and sanitize whatever they needed to.

Nevertheless, KO claims the release of the vids to Fox will allow Tucker Carlson to "gaslight the coup" and "provide a roadmap past detection."

Now this is funny, since "gaslight" means to lie to induce people to believe something untrue.  That's exactly what the allegations of a "coup" are: an effort by the Dems and Lying Mainstream Media to tar Donald Trump by blaming his supporters for an alleged "attempted coup." 

Second: "A roadmap past detection"?  If anyone believes Fox now has the vid of every security camera in the capitol building I've got some oceanfront property in Wyoming I'll sell ya at a bargain price.  Also, nothing prevents the regime from adding more cameras to eliminate any blind spots.

Point is, in wanting to silence/erase/delete people and viewpoints he doesn't like, KO is showing he's actually a wannabe Nazi or commissar, or CCP toady.  Totalitarian son of a bitch.  And it's hugely significant that the regime still loves him. 



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