January 09, 2023

Say, how are Chicago public schools doing when it comes to teachers sexually assaulting students?

According to a report released by the Inspector General for Chicago public schools, the 2021-2022 school year saw 772 investigations into teachers for allegedly raping, sexually assaulting or grooming students.

The office was able to substantiate more than half of those allegations.

Here's the kicker: Despite confirming more than half of the cases, only 16 of the cases have resulted in charges.

Corrupt.  Totally.  From top to bottom.  But what do you expect when leftists totally control the schools, courts and the entire government?

It's like Hunter Biden:  His laptop could have a recorded phone call of him making a deal with a Mexican cartel to import drugs, and no one would ever charge him.

See, that's how you wreck a nation.



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