Yesterday: "Covid deadly! You vill be jabbed and locked down or you vill be fined!" Today: "No need to test arriving Chinese"
The brazen hypocrisy of political RULERS toward "ordinary citizens" is being more clearly demonstrated every day. Latest example:
The prime minister of New Zealand is a rabid socialist named Jacinda Ardern. When duh Chyna virus hit, she ordered the most insane, Nazi-like restrictions on residents that made Aussie cops beating their people look tame by comparison. Real dictatorial stuff. that China has seen the outbreak of yet another "variant" of the virus, and after getting close to a full-scale revolt, has removed all lockdowns, and Chinese are escaping overseas, you'd think that because Jacinda always claimed duh virus was such a huge, mortal threat, she' be ORDERING that all arriving Chinese be tested for duh Chyna virus, eh? Cuz up to yesterday duh Chyna virus was duh mos' dangerous threat to the lives of EVERY resident of New Zealand, right?
Hahahahaha! Nope. Suddenly, amazingly, she no longer considers duh Chyna virus as anything to be concerned about! Well, at least she isn't the least bit concerned that arriving Chinese might be carrying the dread, deadly virus. We know that because all her "health" minions are suddenly bleating that there is *nothing whatsoever to be concerned about!* Read the article from the NZ gruberment:
New Zealand will not require travellers from China to be tested for Covid-19, the government has announced. The government said imposing entry restrictions on travellers from China was neither "required nor justified".
"Covid-19 Response Minister" Ayesha Verrall said there was minimal public health risk to New Zealanders.
"We've done a public health risk assessment of potential case numbers among travellers from China, which showed these visitors won't contribute significantly to our Covid case numbers. So entry restrictions aren't required or justified," she said.
There's no need for arriving Chinese to be tested to protect New Zealanders, she added.
"We know that BF7 is the prevalent variant in China and hasn't caused significant outbreaks in other countries that have already been exposed to the BA5 variant. So public health measures are not required to protect New Zealanders."
Amazing, eh? A day earlier the gruberment claimed the risk of massive death from duh virus was SO AWFUL that everyone was forced to take the jab and couldn't go more than 3 miles from home. If you did, you were fined.
But *today* the virus was suddenly no risk at all.
Yes, the virus killed people--almost all either elderly or with serious "co-morbidities." Yes, that was bad. But almost every government bought the bullshit that there was no cure, and that the only chance of not dying (or worse, infecting your innocent kids) was to take duh jab and stay home.
The plandemic was all about *control.*
And it totally achieved the desired goal.
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New Zealand PM Ardern: She knows what's best for "her people." Always. Just like our pols. |
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