January 06, 2023

As RINOs cram McCarthy down our throats, recall that in 2015 he was due to be Speaker, but then, mysteriously...

As House Republicans try to jam corrupt RINO Kevin McCarthy down our throats as Speaker, it's worth noting that back on October 8th, 2015, McCarthy was about to be elected Speaker then too.  But just before the vote, he abruptly withdrew.  At noon that day the NY Post published a story explaining this stunning, unprecedented event.

The Post reported that McCarthy "abruptly withdrew his promising bid to become Speaker" after an unidentified person changed his Wikipedia page to say he'd been accused of having an affair with another married Republican House member.

The anonymous changes--made to the Wiki pages of both McCarthy and Representative Renee Ellmers--were made from IP address, which was registered to the DHS office in Springfield, Virginia.  The changes were later removed, but the damage was done.

McCarthy and Ellmers both denied the affair.  The Department of Homeland Security said it was investigating the Wiki posts.

I wonder what the DHS investigation found, eh?  Good luck finding out.

Minutes before Republicans were to cast votes that would have made him Speaker of the House, McCarthy announced that "a fresh face is needed to unite the party.  And I’m not that person.”

Afterward McCarthy denied that the anonymously-made changes to his Wiki page alleging the affair had anything to do with his withdrawing from consideration.  Oh NOooo, citizen!  It was a complete coincidence!

Oh, y'say you think this is "fake newz"?  A hoax?  Tinfoil-hat stuff?  Well the day after the Post's story, CBS apparently thought it was real.

CBS added that a prominent GOP rep said that with McCarthy's withdrawal, the "consensus candidate" for Speaker would be...Paul Ryan.  And Ryan was indeed elected Speaker.  And as all Americans should know, Ryan was a RINO--a Democrat plant--who sabotaged every conservative effort in the House while he was Speaker.

Now the 2015 hit on McCarthy--which directly resulted in Ryan becoming Speaker and sabotaging the GOP until they lost the majority--is interesting for several reasons--though probably not the ones you're thinking of.

I couldn't care less about charges that the man poised to become Speaker of the House today had an affair or is corrupt, because the evidence of his corruption has long been abundant, overwhelming--and in today's political climate, not surprising.

What's far more interesting is trying to determine who made the hit, and why.

Let's dispose of the obvious first: It wasn't ordered by the Democrats, because they'd obviously have far more leverage if they'd let the Repubs go ahead and elect McCarthy as Speaker, and then threatened to publicize the affair if McCarthy didn't support Democrat moves to sabotage Republicans.

Second theory: The hit was done by a GOP rival for the speakership.  No, because since the Deep State controls investigations, if the anonymous poster had been working for the GOP that person would have been discovered and prosecuted.

Third failed theory: The hit wasn't from a foreign adversary hacking the DHS computer, for two reasons:  First, because that would have left electronic evidence of the hack, and no such evidence was ever shown.  Second is the same reason the Dems didn't do it: because the hypothetical adversary would have more influence by letting him take the Speaker's post and then using the threat of publicizing the story of the alleged affair to win concessions.

So who does that leave?

Suppose a group that had controlled the U.S. for decades, and wanted to continue to do so, and had virtually unlimited resources, wanted to ensure that no member of congress--and no president--would ever try to block their plans.  What do you think the most effective way to accomplish that would be?

An obvious choice is for the group to just assassinate anyone who opposes them, as with Kennedy in 1963.  But that's a bit risky, even for a group that has moles in every government agency and can control any investigation.

So is there another way that they can achieve the same effect with far less risk?  Yes, by showing everyone in government that the Group can change a seemingly certain outcome with a well-placed hit.  That they can take anything away from anyone, anytime they wanted.  (Admittedly if McCarthy was having an affair, he certainly gave the mysterious group the ammunition it needed.)

A good way to test this theory is, what was the outcome of the vaunted "investigation" DHS announced to find whoever used its computers to change the Wiki pages of both McCarthy and Ellmers?

Did you already guess?


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