January 06, 2023

The nation's biggest distributor of "newz" brags about taking millions to push "Global Warming" stories

For months I've been showing you examples of how virtually *everything* you read or see that poses as "news" is actually propaganda--a Narrative, paid for by either government agencies or wealthy interest groups.

Of course you think that's just tinfoil-hat stuff, eh?  "Couldn't possibly be true, cuz...um...why would any group PAY to push an agenda??"

Why indeed, eh?  Let's see:

Ever wonder how newspapers and TV stations in, say, Florida get stories about, say, the murder of four college students in Idaho?  The answer is a thing called a "wire service"--a company like the Associated Press, which picks up stories and photos from local papers and makes those stories available for use by every newspaper and TV station in the country and around the world.

The biggest of these services in the U.S.--by far--is the Associated Press (AP).  As an example of how much "reach" the AP has, Google pays the AP to put AP stories on-line.  And as you know, Google reaches damn near everyone in the U.S.  

So if I told you the biggest "wire service" in the nation--and the world--is taking millions from companies with a huge financial interest in pushing the "Global Warming" hoax, almost no one would believe that was true.  Cuz that would mean the biggest "newz" distributor in the U.S. was...um...pushing stories that pushed a paid-for agenda.

Like...a "Narrative."  Hmmm....  It's the textbook definition of corruption.

So for you skeptics, here's the AP itself, bragging about it:

(AP) — The Associated Press said Tuesday that it is assigning more than two dozen journalists across the world to cover climate issues, in the news organization’s largest single expansion paid for through philanthropic grants.

The announcement *illustrates how philanthropy has swiftly become an important new funding source for journalism at a time when the industry’s financial outlook has been otherwise bleak.*
Notice how deftly they disguised "bribery."  In the AP's telling, bribery became "philanthropy," "an important new funding source for journalism."
The AP’s new team, with journalists based in Africa, Brazil, India and the United States, will focus on climate change’s impact on [everything, duly listed], said senior vice president and executive editor Julie Pace.

“This far-reaching initiative will transform how we cover the climate story,” Pace said.  The grant is for more than $8 million.
Actually that phrase "will transform how we cover the climate story" isn't *quite* right: The AP is totally Leftist, so has constantly been running stories screaming about the mortal threat of Global Warming.  It's just that the AP is finally confident enough about the mood of duh gaping American public to admit it's being paid to push The Narrative.

The $8 million is being paid by five organizations (described below) and will pay the AP to plant scary stories in papers around the country to terrify Americans into supporting new taxes on carbon, and subsidies for boondoggles pushed by the five funding companies.

Obviously companies are free to invest in any faaabulous scheme they like to "fight Global Warming."  But that's not how these corrupt companies roll.  Instead they want to do two things:  Get western governments to impose crippling taxes on carbon fuels; and then get those same corrupt governments to give the money grabbed by those new taxes to the funding companies to make their goofy schemes profitable.  

Of course you don't believe a word of that either.  But eventually, as it comes to pass, some of you will.  But since much of the new taxes and consequent higher costs will be imposed gradually, most of you won't notice.  Same for the gradual decline in the economy.

For Democrats and young Americans who don't know fuck-all about how advanced economies work:  Your fabulous lifestyle (and if you don't think it is, spend a few months in a third-world country) depends on plentiful, affordable energy.  Killing oil and gas--whether by outlawing those fuels or simply taxing 'em to make them unable to compete with subsidized "green energy" will make that lifestyle too expensive for most Americans.  And will destroy western economies.

And ya know what?  I don't have kids, so I don't care.  You wanna pay half your income to heat your home or apartment?  Wanna wait in line for an hour to re-charge your electric car so you can get home?  Hey, your choice.

So...the five companies giving the $8 million to the AP have formed a thing called the "Climate Leadership Council," which is pushing a “carbon rebate plan.”  They cleverly used the term "rebate" becaise Americans know rebates are a good thing.  But here the rebates would come from new taxes on every bit of carbon fuel you use.  The plan would then promise to pay some of that tax money back to you.  Swearsies!

Except the reality is that only certain favored groups will actually get the "rebates."  And it's not you.  But even if it was, you'll get back a lot less than you pay--cuz otherwise the government and companies wouldn't benefit, eh?

The CLC’s partners include major banks, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BP, Shell and Conoco.

The AP has already pushed the CLC’s "carbon rebate plan" by running stories like “Carbon tax plan worthy of bipartisan support.”  That story described the CLC as a “group of Republicans” and claimed ordering a carbon tax for the benefit of special interests would be “a conservative plan.”

Conservative?  Really?  No.  It's authoritarian.  Dictatorial.  So to help the Democrats pushing it, the AP wants to make it seem as though conservatives are the ones pushing it, instead of "wokie" liberals.

So let's review: ten minutes ago you wouldn't have believed my telling you the biggest "wire service" in the U.S. was taking money to push the Global Worming hoax. So I showed you their own article admitting it--actually bragging about it.  Gave you a link to their website so you could see for yourself.

Any paradigm shift happening yet?

Nah.  Sheep say "Dis not true!  Dis fake newz!  You go away now!"

How about we rendezvous back here in a year and see how much better off y'all are, eh?


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