McCarthy wins Speakership, eh? Wow, who could have predicted *that*? Now watch...
So, as everyone expected, RINO McCarthy is Speaker.
Oh, but look at the 8 or 9 "concessions" he was forced to make to get the conservatives to vote for him! The rest of the RINOs are saying that shows the party is really united and committed whatever it is, it's great.
Example: I'm reading stories that those 87k ARMED IRS agents are about to be un-hired, or disarmed, or have their government credit cards limited, or some such. Yay, right?
Well it would be great, but I predict it ain't gonna happen. Only question is how the kabuki dance to make the rubes think it's gonna happen will play out. Let me explain:
It you follow politics and political lawsuits keenly you may have noticed that nothing is ever final when it cuts against Democrats. Thus what appears to be a solid legal victory for conservatives is appealed to a circuit court. There a 3-judge panel may reverse the lower court. In that case the Dems demand an "en banc" hearing, which almost always sides with the Dems.
If the circuit court's en-banc hearing finds for conservatives, the Dems appeal to the Supreme Court. If you want a quick legal education on this, google "Kelo v. City of New London," or "Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC."
Another jaw-dropping tactic used by Dem judges: It's LONG been settled law that judges are NOT allowed to write laws--a task reserved to legislatures. But when it became obvious that the Obozo regime wasn't following its own law in Obamacare, the Supreme Court simply re-wrote the law, changing mandatory dates to suit the Democrat agenda.
Another cunning method the Dems use to kill conservative agendas that have wide approval is for a court to RULE that, for example, while Obama could create the phenomenally unconstitutional DACA program by executive "memo," Trump couldn't end that program by executive action, but instead had to let a multi-year administrative thicket play out, lasting forever.
Really cunning.
Another example: Democrats wanted to amend Title IX of the Civil Rights Act--which says schools can't discriminate on the basis of "sex"--by adding "or gender identity." They introduced a bill that added that "specially-protected class" to EVERY phrase in the CRA that included the word "sex."
But even with a large Dem majority in the House, and Pelosi's iron control, they couldn't pass it. Democrat congresscreeps from red states knew they'd lose re-election if they voted for it.
No matter: the SC took care of it, simply RULING that at least when it comes to employment, "gender identity" gets the same protection as "sex" and "sexual orientation," despite the actual, y'know, LAW not saying that. Cool, eh?
SO...will there be smoke and noise in the House to convince the rubes that the 87,000 ARMED IRS agents aren't going to be hired after all? Oh, you bet. But in the end the smoke and noise won't undo biden's and pelosi's nail in our coffin. Any putative fix will be undone, typically by inserting cunning "loophole language" in the bill blocking the clause that was supposed to prevent hiring the 87,000 new agents. Another method is to add an amendment to a later bill reviving the original scheme, but only hiring 40,000 or so, with another 40,000 slyly promised for a year later.
As long as 200 RINOs belong to the Uniparty, the Dems will remain in firm control.
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