A country with 97% vaxxed had 13 times more covid deaths AFTER the vax than before vax arrived. Hmm...
Most people are functionally "innumerate"--almost totally unfamiliar with math. But if you're competent in math, instead of a wokie who believes "Math bees raaacis'," numbers reveal a LOT about reality.
For example, consider the experience of Australia and covid.
In 2020, before the non-vaccine existed, Australia had just 904 Covid deaths. But after the non-vaccine was rolled out, essentially in January of 2021, Australian political rulers ordered every ordinary citizen to take the jab, and eventually 97% of the population complied.
So did that reduce the death rate? If so, how much?
Duh dreaded "raaacist" math tells the story.
In 2021-2022, with vax rates climbing to 97% of the population, covid infections were also soaring, as were deaths among the jabbed. Yeah, we know all about the problem with post-hoc reasoning, but in any case while the U.S., with 71% vaxxed, has an infected rate of 31%, while Australia--with 97% jabbed--has an infection rate of 43%.
And after just 904 covid deaths in 2020, their total covid death toll now stands at 17,052--over 17 times higher than the pre-jab year. And most of the deaths came after the original virus had mutated into less-lethal variants.
What can we learn from studying Australia's experience?
So-called "experts" and liberal Media: "Nothing."
People who know math: "Really? Let's look."
Contra to Tony Fauci's repeated lies, the vaccines did NOT keep people from getting covid, or transmitting it. And while the jab may have helped the elderly and those with co-morbidities (which help is certainly good), the jab seems to have provided no net benefit to those under 60 with no co-morbidities.
And significantly, it now appears that the jab can cause serious adverse effects, including death. Finally, any protection offered by the non-vaccines seems to decrease rather quickly--which is why the FDA keeps pushing the need for "boosters."
Let's try a little experiment: How many of you know that when medical people asked to see the the data submitted by Pfizer and Moderna that led the FDA to give those jabs "emergency use authorization," the FDA said "No one outside the government is permitted to see it"?
Think back: I'll bet almost no American knew that. And what do you suppose was the *legal* justification for the FDA's refusal, eh? The plaintiffs weren't demanding proprietary secrets, but just results of the vax trials.
Then how many of you know that finally, in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, when a judge ordered the release of those records, the FDA whined that before it could release anything, it would have to have FDA employees "vet" every page to ensure [mumble bullshit], and that because the agency didn't have enough employees to do this, they could only promise to release, oh, 500 pages per month.
Plaintiffs noted that since the FDA claimed there were 375,000 pages of data, at that rate it would take 750 months--over 60 YEARS--for the FDA to release the last pages. Think about the absurdity of that excuse.
The judge ordered the FDA to release 5,000 pages a month, meaning full release (??) would take six years--in other words, after the 2024 and possibly also the 2028 elections.
Most bureaucrats don't want to appear foolish, so for the FDA to bleat that they'd need 60 years to release all the data, there's almost certainly a good reason why the FDA would risk looking foolish by pulling the "Sure, we'll release it in just 60 years" bullshit.
And you already guessed: The agency knows the official records are totally devastating to their case.
Of course since you're a well-informed adult, you surely knew all this, right? After all, it's all contained in the official, public, court records.
Of course you depend on the Mainstream Media to tell you things like this, right? So, did they?
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