You may have been to distracted to notice, but this nation is being "fundamentally transformed"
Someone, or perhaps some group, has decided the United States needs to be "fundamentally transformed." And that's what's happening.
It appears that the new form of our society and government is one that roughly half of Americans wouldn't vote for or be in favor of. So whoever is "fundamentally transforming" this country isn't asking your permission.
Whoever is "fundamentally transforming" this nation has installed the people who are carrying out the transformation--and will continue to do so until it's completed. Meanwhile they use their Mainstream Media to convince you everything is better than ever, and to distract you with vapid shows.
They will continue to distract you until the planned "fundamental transformation" has been completed.
One of the architects of this "transformation" is on video saying "In the new world you will own nothing--and you will like it." Most Americans see that as an obvious threat, and normally a rational actor would be reluctant to tell you exactly what he was threatening. Yet this ghoul was perfectly open about telling everyone the plan.
There's a reason he was open about that. And if you think about it long enough, you'll figure it out.
If the answer you come up with doesn't worry you, you got the wrong answer.
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