Old tyranny: "taxing carbon emissions;" Newest tyranny: Seizing farms and banning fertilizer.
If you're over 50 you may recall that around 30 years ago "trendy" media organs like the NY Times began wailing that "global warming" was gonna kill the planet and flood New York.
Some of those people were honest but too superficial in their "science." But others cunningly used that threat to get stupid citizens of western nations to destroy their own prosperous economies. They claimed Global Warming--caused by you Americans driving your cars--was "an existential threat to all life on the planet." You've all heard or read that scary phrase hundreds of times by now--and most people believe it, because they don't have the scientific background to see the holes in the theory.
Of course you almost certainly think that claiming some people have been using the threat of "Globull Worming" to get westerners to destroy their economies must be hyperbole--tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff. I don't blame you for thinking that, cuz at first glance it seems impossible. The natural reaction is "Why in the world would anyone want to destroy a hugely prosperous economy? It doesn't make sense."
And I understand that completely. It defies all your intuition about human nature--until you start analyzing the video clips of the people pushing this.
Now a warning: If you're under 20, stop reading this. Go back to your rap shows or Xbox or PS-5 or weed or whatever, and enjoy a few more years of being a kid. Seriously. Cuz in just a few years you won't have to worry about having to decide between eating bugs and freezing, or fighting, because the thing will have been decided.
With that said, let's look at that "natural reaction" question: "Why would anyone want to get citizens of prosperous nations to destroy their own fabulous economies?"
Answer: because the leaders of another country--who not only want to rule the world but also believe they're destined to do so--understand (very well) that opponents can't resist if their economies are ruined. Because as should be obvious, it takes a LOT of money to maintain well-equipped, well-trained armed forces.
So if the leaders of some nation wanted to take over the world, they'd start by getting the "elites" and the young of opponents to destroy their own economies. Once that's done, those nations won't be able to resist. Simple.
Now in case it's not obvious, I certainly do NOT claim communists came up with the idea of "Globull Worming" to get westerners to destroy themselves. But they're extremely opportunistic, and once they understood how that could be used, they eagerly exploited it.
They bleated that CO2 emissions were causing the planet to warm dangerously. And they noted--accurately--that most of the CO2 was being produced by western economies.
Corrupt functionaries at the UN began bleating that we only had ten year to stop global warming or it would be too late to avoid death.
Starting to get it yet?
Of course just 20 years before that, the same so-called "climate experts" were screaming that the planet was headed into a new Ice Age. They were wrong then, but *now* they'd gotten a lot more clever.
Because leftists had already gained total control of all the Deep State positions, government agencies eagerly echoed the new Party Line that that CO2 was a "deadly poison." and that if humans didn't stop emitting CO2 we were all gonna die. As early as 1972 headlines from UN illiterates screamed that we only had twelve or ten or nine years to stop the warming or it would be too late!
The communists already controlled all education, entertainment and the media, so they knew how easily young Americans could be led to believe utter bullshit. They also knew that fewer and fewer young Americans had enough scientific education to know when they were being lied to. As long as the lies were told with drama and conviction, by attractive actors, the plotters knew young people would believe anything.
The war against CO2 progressed on all fronts: Oil and natural gas were demonized. Protesters blocked construction of pipelines. In Canada, protesters blocked train tracks to try to stop trains transporting oil.
Eventually "greenies" were able to get every car-maker on the planet to produce battery-powered electric cars, despite the fact that making the batteries required mining tens of thousands of tons of ore per car, couldn't be recycled and only lasted five years or so.
Oh, and the EVs were more expensive than gasoline-powered cars. But no young Americans complained, because Hey, we're "saving the planet!" Then the Democrats rammed through a law that would pay car-makers $7,500 for every EV sold. Yay, Democrats! No Democrat voter made the connection that that money was coming from the pockets of people who couldn't afford to buy a new car--and from their children and grandchildren, who would be pay for these billions of dollars of bribes for generations. Anything to sell more EV's, right? Cuz..."We're saving the planet, people!"
And we're just getting started: Now governments all over the globe are seriously considering imposing a "carbon allowance" on all "ordinary citizens," so that you'd only be allowed to use so much energy per year. After that, you'd have to pay an extra tax. Seriously.
Oh wait, not everyone would have to pay. Favored groups would be exempt. We'll let you figure out who that would be.
Spoiler: It ain't you.
But if you think you've seen the worst, you won't believe what the next target of the greenies is:
Not kidding. Giddy over their faaaabulous success in conning western citizens and their stupid, greedy political "leaders" into destroying their own economies by getting rid of reliable, low-cost energy, now the greenies have turned to a new target: nitrogen fertilizers--which make it possible to produce roughly half of all food on Earth.
You may wonder what part of food or fertilizer the greenies find objectionable: they claim nitrates produce nitrous oxide, N2O, which is technically a "greenhouse gas" that's oooh just awfully much more effective at trapping heat than the dread pollutant CO2.
The actual claim is that N2O is "300 times more powerful" than the dread pollutant CO2. Which is interesting because our atmosphere contains about 410 parts per million of CO2 compared to just 0.3 ppm of N2O. But to the climate cultists that's enough to DEMAND that nitrate fertilizers be banned.
Interestingly, we have a good idea about the amount of N2O in the atmosphere long before humans began using nitrogen fertilizer. In fact, 800,000 years ago (i.e. before there were any humans, much less human activity) the amount of N2O in the air was between 217 and 312 parts per billion.
For math-challenged doofus-studies majors that's 0.217 to 0.312 ppm.
Wait...I thought that *today* the amount of N2O in the atmosphere was about 0.3 ppm--which is almost exactly what it was 800,000 years ago. But if humans have been using an average of 100 million *tons* of nitrogen fertilizer per year for the past 20 years or so, and N2O is so terrible--killing the ozone layer AND fatally warming the planet ("300 times more potent than the dread pollutant CO2," eh?), why hasn't the percentage in the atmosphere increased by a factor of ten since pre-fertilizer days, eh?
"Um...uh...um...you're just a meanie who wants to kill all life on Earth!"
Yeah. These are the same morons who want to tax dairy farmers for the methane their cows emit when passing gas. Seriously.
Here's an example of how "green" communist pols are working to kill you:
The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food in the entire world, trailing only the United States. Most people would say being productive enough to export food to the rest of the world is good.
But three years ago the Dutch government passed a LAW that every activity that emits nitrogen--not even N2O but just nitrogen itself--now requires a permit. The excuse used by the tyrant pols was to "reduce the dire threat of globull worming." And the result is just now being announced:
The pols ruling that nation have announced that because of what they call "nitrogen pollution" they're going to force the owners of some 3,000 privately owned farms to sell their land to the state, which will shut them down.
Wait...won't that cut food production?
Politicians: "Shut up, climate-killer! We'll tell you when you can speak!"
And if you thought seizing 3,000 farms was no big deal, the same tyrannical, moronic government says that to meet the new "climate goals" they'll actually need to seize and shut down a total of "about" 11,200 farms, and will ORDER another 17,600 dairy and beef farmers to reduce their herds by half.
And lest you think this is just being driven by some goofy communists RULING the Netherlands, today Germany just ordered farms in that nation's most productive region to cut fertilizer use by 20%.
Of course every adult knows the "20%" figure is bullshit--just the nose of the camel: If the communists get away with this, a year from now they simply change a digit in the RULES by the bureaucrats who rule you, nd instantly the previous, forced 20% cut becomes 40%.
You'd think all rational politicians would want their nations' farmers to produce ample food, eh? Both for food security and export earnings. Yeah, that would be logical. But as you may have noticed, politicians don't listen to consumers or farmers, but only to the climate cultists, who know nothing about farming.
But the cultists do know how to steal elections, and that's all that matters.
You may also have noticed that pols and their bureaucratic lackeys aren't known for being able to predict the effects of their RULES and policies. Their time horizon is the next election, period.
In other words, the climate cult is a suicide cult--at least for the West. Of course China isn't about to go along with any of this stupid nonsense, any more than they've reduced the rate of opening coal-fired powerplants (an AVERAGE of one new coal-fired plant per WEEK) while pols in western nations ORDER that we shut ours down. Hmmm...
So back to the Left's new war on nitrogen: The people at the World Economic Forum have openly stated--as captured on video--that their goal is to drastically reduce the number of people on Earth. So seizing farms and ORDERING farmers not to use nitrogen fertilizer--under penalty of jail--fits right in with this goal because it will cut food production--a LOT.
Of course the members of the WEF are all wealthy, so will always be able to afford food, even as ordinary people are forced to either eat bugs or choose between eating and using a bit of heat in freezing winter.
Interestingly, farmers in the Netherlands have been taking to the streets to protest, using their tractors to block highways. But while American pols bleat that protests are good--if staged by the "right" people, of course--no American pol has criticized pols in the Netherlands for ordering their cops to use heavy machinery to tip over tractors with farmers inside. When farmers stood peacefully to protest, police swept in, beat them and arrested them.
Many of the farms in the Netherlands are family run and have been handed down for generations. Pols don't give a damn.
This is tyranny. And not just the farmers will suffer: Both Stalin in Russia and Mao in China ordered policies that devastated farm output, with the result that millions of people died from starvation. But today's pols aren't able to learn from the lessons of history.
The pols do NOT care if you and your family starve, because they're confident they'll always be part of the ruling class. So your suffering is nothing to them.
"That's wrong, cuz if they issue too many orders that cause average Americans to suffer, they'll be voted out of office!"
Ah, I see you just arrived on the planet. Enjoy your stay.
{For more info check out PeterSweden's substack: Also https://healthranger.substack.com/p/engineered-famine-germany-farmers
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