A dozen indicators of *massive* vote fraud by Dems, in both 2016 and 2020
Massive election fraud--not just a few ballots stolen by "harvesters" but *massive* vote fraud--has been happening for years. And in the next ten minutes I'll show you what seems to me to be clear proof.
There shouldn't be any need to explain that if a political party wants to control the government, winning majority control of both chambers of congress is crucial. So with vanishingly small exceptions, anyone voting for the Dem candidate for president would logically also vote for the Dem candidates for senate and House too, eh?
The only time someone who voted Dem for president would NOT also vote for their party's senate candidate would be the rare cases where a voter personally knew that their party's senate or House candidate was corrupt, or had a grudge against him or her. That would rarely affect more than a few thousand votes.
So we would expect the official, reported vote totals for a party's senate candidate to be within a few thousand votes of that party's candidate for president.
That is, with the rare exception noted above, rational voters who vote for their party for president would also vote for their party's candidate for the senate. This seems so obvious as to not need explaining, but then again....
So, if the *official reported vote results* showed the Dem presidential candidate getting tens of thousands MORE votes in a given state than the party's senate or House candidates, then barring error, a rational person could only conclude that the far greater number of votes for president was due to fraud.
Example: In 2016 (Trump vs. Hilliary) Florida's Democrat senator was running for re-election. The *official state website* reported Hilliary as having gotten 400,000 MORE votes than the Democrat senate candidate.
Think about that for a minute. It's beyond implausible, since as noted above, why would a Democrat voter--who went to the effort of voting for Hilliary--NOT vote for the Dem senate candidate as well?
Admittedly, a handful of confused voters might not have realized that their Dem senator was up for re-election, so we wouldn't worry if the senate candidate got just a few thousand fewer votes than Hilliary. But 400,000??
This is consistent with not-bright fraudsters just marking the ballot for president and ignoring all the other races.
Now, you don't believe this--and I don't blame you. It seems impossible that such a glaring anomaly--400,000 more votes claimed for Hilliary than for the Democrat candidate for senate-- wouldn't have been noticed, and wouldn't have generated lots of articles speculating on the reason. So let me explain why it didn't.
No Repubican even noticed--because Trump won Florida. By contrast, the Dems absolutely DID notice, because they were the ones who paid to create the 400,000 fake votes. Of course since they were the guilty party they obviously wouldn't call attention to proof of their guilt, eh?
I suspect most of you still don't understand what's so unusual about this. Never mind. I think "Dancing With the Stars" comes on in 20 minutes or so.
But if you understand why this is so bizarre, so unlikely, let's look at the results from 2020:
In the Peoples' Republic of Minnesota, the OFFICIAL state vote results for 2020 show Biden with 1,716,207 votes.
Yet in that state's race for U.S. senate, the Democrat candidate reportedly got just 1,565,815 votes. So by the official results, Biden supposedly got over 150,000 MORE votes than the Dem candidate for U.S. senate.
How likely is that to have happened without fraud? Because again, logically, you'd think that virtually every Dem voter who took the time to vote for Biden for president would also have voted for the Democrat party's senate candidate, eh?
Those who claim there was no *massive* fraud, Americans must believe that over 150,000 Democrat voters in Minnesota who voted for president didn't care about helping their party win the senate.
Does any rational person think that's believable? Of course not.
In Michigan the *official* state totals show Biden supposedly getting 2,806,899 votes. Yet in that state's senate race the Democrat got 2,737,431. So biden supposedly got over 69,000 MORE votes than the Democrat senate candidate. Again, it's massively illogical.
To claim there was no fraud you must believe that 69,000 Dem voters who took the time to vote for biden didn't care to help their party's senate candidate win--to help give the Dems control of the senate.
Do you really think that's plausible? Believable by rational humans? Of course not.
Let's try another one: In 2020 Democrat leaders were convinced North Carolina was "in play"--close enough to be worth cheating. That state's official results show Biden getting 2,684,299 votes.
Yet the Dem senate candidate in North Carolina only got 2,569,968 votes--over 114,000 FEWER votes than biden. Same argument as above: To claim there was no fraud one must believe 114,000 residents took the time to vote for president but didn't care about winning the senate.
Does any rational adult think that's even REMOTELY plausible? Yet you never heard about any of the above anomalies until this minute.
Democrats can try to wave this away by bleating absurd excuses, but not one of those excuses makes sense. The only logical explanation (other than error in the official vote totals) is massive fraud.
The same analysis can be applied to other statewide races. So for example, in 2020 neither of Pennsylvania's U.S. senators was on the ballot, but there was a statewide election for "Auditor General." Biden officially got 3,454,523 votes. But the Democrat running for Auditor-General only got 3,120,483.
Is it plausible that 334,000 Democrats who took the time to vote would vote for the Party's candidate for president but not support their party's candidate for Auditor-General?
It's implausible, even for Pennsylvania voters. But for the Dems and their media supporters to claim there was no fraud, they expect us to believe 334,000 Biden voters--clearly strongly pro-Democrat, who allegedly took the time to vote--chose NOT to vote for their party's down-ballot candidate.
Florida may offer another data point. All media talkers claimed Florida would be a close race, which would make it a highly attractive target for vote fraud.
Making this comparison takes a bit longer since neither of Florida's senators nor the state's governor were running for re-election this year.
But races for the U.S. House happen every two years. So I totalled all the votes in Florida's 27 House races and compared those numbers to the *reported, official* total votes for president.
The official results show biden winning 5,297,045 votes. But the sum of the *officially reported* votes for Democrat House candidates showed Biden supposedly got 193,028 MORE votes than all Democrat congressional candidates.
For Democrats and their media supporters to claim there was NO fraud, Americans must believe that 193,028 Democrat voters who supposedly voted for Biden didn't care enough about their party keeping control of the U.S. House to bother marking that box.
Now, I don't doubt that 10,000 Florida Democrat voters are too old to know that congresscritters stand for office every two years, so that *could* account for some of this margin. But those who claim there's no fraud require us to believe that over 193,000 state residents voted for Biden but didn't care about the Dems maintaining control of the House.
Does any rational Democrat (??) or any member of the Lying Mainstream Media think that's even remotely plausible?
I'd LOVE to see some Democrat try to make that case live and on-camera. It's absurd.
Of course all of the above results except Hilliary in Florida were from 2020. It's worth noting again that in 2016 Hilliary got nearly 400,000 MORE votes in Florida than the Democrat candidate for the U.S. senate. That huge difference suggests the Dems have been submitting fake ballots since at least 2016.
Of course a few voters don't vote in all the down-ballot races if they don't know much about the candidates. But the vast majority of people who vote for president also vote on senate and congressional races. That's always been true in the past.
However, in 2020 in Michigan--a closely contested swing state that magically found enough 3a.m. votes to put Biden over the top--the official totals show biden getting 5,867,609 votes compared to just 5,717,819 voted for the Democrat's senate candidate.
In other words, almost 150,000 Michigan Democrats who took the time to vote for biden didn't bother voting for the their party's senate candidate.
To see how this compares to a no-fraud scenario, take a look at the 2020 results for South Carolina--where there was an election for the U.S. senate. South Carolina was thought to be solidly Republican, so the Dems didn't bother trying to cheat there. And sure enough, the totals show 2,514,124 votes for biden compared to 2,512,793 votes for the Democrat candidate for senate--a difference of just 1,331 votes.
That's what we'd expect with no cheating. And when you compare that against almost 150,000 more votes for biden in Michigan than for the Dem senate candidate, it's apparent that something bizarre is happening.
The 1,331-vote difference in South Carolina is a normal figure. Michigan is the huge, glaring outlier.
This pattern is also apparent in 2016: In the 2016 election, in Georgia the official vote results show a staggering 280,000 more votes for Hilliary than for the Democrat senate candidate.
No one noticed this back in 2016 because Trump won Georgia. So the Democrats' probably submitting AT LEAST 280,000 fraudulent votes in the 2016 Georgia presidential race went unnoticed til now.
One more example from 2016 shows the Democrats were submitting massive numbers of fake votes even then--meaning they had the massive fraud scheme already working even then:
In 2016 everyone agreed that the presidential race in Florida was going to be extremely tight, so if a party wanted to pick a state to cheat, Florida would be a likely target.
So...the official vote count showed Hilliary with 4,504,975 votes. So since winning control of the senate is always huge, you'd think the Democrat candidate for senate (Patrick Murphy) would have gotten within about 2,000 votes or so of the total for Hilliary.
But the official total on the state's website showed Murphy with 4,105,251 votes--meaning the Dem senate candidate got almost 400,000 FEWER votes than Hilliary.
Does any rational human on the planet think 400,000 Democrat voters would take the time to vote for Hilliary yet NOT vote for the Dem senate candidate--especially when that could have given the Dems control of the senate???
It's delusional to believe that. But no one caught this huge, glaring anomaly because Trump eked out a bare win in Florida. So the glaring, screamingly obvious anomaly went unnoticed until now.
And when the Democrats got away with such a huge fraud--400,000 more ballots marked for Hilliary than for the Dem senate candidate--without anyone noticing, the Democrats realized they could steal every election with impunity. And they did.
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