November 12, 2022

The two major political parties, compared

As everyone knows, there are two major political parties in this country:

One party cannot define a woman, or refuses to.  And the Media supports that party.

One party believes men can become "real women" simply by declaring they are.  Same for women being able to become men.  That party supports biological men competing against biological women.  And the Media supports that party.

One party demands that our nation stop using carbon-based fuels and nuclear energy.  They either don't know, or claim not to know, that our economy depends on carbon fuels; that electricity is only affordable because much of our electricity is generated from coal and natural gas.  They see no connection between low-cost, plentiful, reliable energy and economic wellness.  And rather than educate people to reality, the Media supports that party.

One party claims the U.S. has always been raaacist, and hates our history.  They cheerfully ignore the fact that they twice elected a half-black grifter as president.  And the Media supports that party.

One party believes whites are the source of all problems.

One party claims locking up those suspected of murder, robbery or rape unless they can post bail is racist, so they support letting everyone walk free without having to post any bail.  If the freed thugs kill or rob while awaiting trial, the members of that party merely shrug.  "Stuff happens.  Couldn't be predicted."  And the Media supports that party.

One party insists they have the absolute right to teach the wonders of homosexuality and gender-changing on kids under 9 years old.  But they vehemently *insist* this is NOT grooming school kids.  And the Media supports that party.

One party totally supported their faux president ORDERING every American to take an ineffective, experimental "vaccine" or be fired.  (Imagine the screams of outrage from them if Trump had tried that!)  And the Media supports that party.

One party supports open borders, encouraging an unlimited number of unvetted aliens to enter and remain in the U.S. in violation of U.S. law.  And the Media supports that party.


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