November 12, 2022

Voters ignored the Democrat party's record of "achievements"

Biden told us--on video, several times--that if you took the Covid shots you could not get covid.  He said that conclusively.

He lied.  His top covid advisor, Birx, said in her book that she knew this was untrue before he took office, so either she didn't tell him what she knew, or she did and he deliberately lied.  Either way, imagine if Trump had said this.

On Biden's watch Ukraine and Russia went to war.  Biden has poured about $100 billion taxpayer dollars into Ukraine, not just in weapons but also in paying the salaries of their government employees.   
 So a question:  By what authority has he given this huge sum to Ukraine?  
   No matter, since Congress seems to be fine with it.  Wait...who's been in control of Congress for the last four years?  

Since biden took office, five million unvetted aliens have walked into the U.S.--totally illegally.  That's entirely on the Democrats--especially when biden directed his DOJ to SUE to block Arizona and others from enforcing their southern border.

Biden has declared war on carbon-based fuels.  He bragged on video "There IS no more drilling!"  His black lesbian press flack later claimed his words had been twisted by Republicans.  Really?

Refineries are closing and will never re-start, because biden has made clear that his regime won't allowed them to.  As a result, no company will invest a dollar to modernize them, because no company or person wants to waste money.

So what do you think that will do to the supply of refined products like gasoline and diesel?  And if daily production of those two drops, what do you think will happen to the price of gas and diesel?  

Democrats: "Why do you ask that?  Do you think prices increase just because supply drops?  That's silly: there's no link at all between supply and demand!  That's a raaaaacist theory, totally disproven!"

Do you people really believe that?

Now that biden is safely past the midterms--after losing fewer seats in congress than his record suggested the Dems should have lost--he doesn't care nearly as much what happens to gas and diesel prices.

High food prices?  If you're a hard-working voter you probably care that the price of eggs has doubled in the last couple of years, along with a whole host of other common food items. But Porridgebrain has claimed inflation isn't a problem.  You know that's a lie, but so what?  The Dems paid no price for his lies last Tuesday.

How about crime?  A few days ago in NYC a woman out jogging was raped and robbed in one of the city's best neighborhoods.  Cops said a suspect was arrested after using the victim's stolen credit cards.  There's video footage of the guy doing it.  Turns out the suspect has 25 prior arrests and is accused of being a serial rapist.

In a sane country he would never have been on the streets.  But the Democrat governor of NY supports releasing criminals without their posting bail.  NYC supports the same.  So evidently they WANTED him to be on the streets, free to rape again.

Dems: "Dat's outrageous!  How DARE you say we wanted dat?!   No one could possibly have predicted he's do this!  There wasn't a SINGLE bit of evidence to suggest he'd do this!  NO ONE could possibly have predicted it!"

Obviously releasing a man with 25 priors isn't biden's fault, but it IS the fault of Democrat Party policies.  It's not a "mistake" but is the result of a deliberate policy--one that puts all residents, but especially women and the elderly--at a greater risk of being assaulted.  Totally predictable by anyone with an IQ over 70--and yet Hochul was re-elected.

Apparently NY voters liked her party's policy, just as voters seem to have liked Dem policies on the national level.

Crime has skyrocketed in every Democrat-ruled city: Philly, Seattle, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Chicago, Boston, New York, Portland, Atlanta and more have become war zones.  All those cities have one thing in common: Democrats control the city government and refuse to prosecute many crimes even when the perps are known to a certainty.  "Dat would be raaaacis'!"  And many are releasing criminals without bail.  Corrupt Dem DA's refuse to even *charge* many crimes.

The Dem governor of Illinois signed a bill into law allowing even murderers to be released without bond.  Takes effect January 1st.  Think that will have any effect on the crime rate?

Dems: "Why would releasing suspects caught on video beating or robbing or raping or killing someone have any effect on crime?"

In San Francisco the sidewalks are littered with tens of thousands of used syringes--with needles still attached.  Almost all of those were paid for by taxpayers and given to junkies by the city--cuz nothing says "compassion" more than making it easier for junkies to inject heroin, eh?

You're also likely to find piles of human excrement and used needles on city sidewalks.  It's both an outrage and a metaphor for Dem governance, since everything the Dems control turns to crap.

So what do the Dems have left to run on?

Fear.  Before the election Porridgebrain told us--several times, on video--that if you didn't vote for Democrats our way of life--"our Democracy"--would be over.  And the media ate it up.

That's all the Democrats have left.  But it was enough to keep the Dems in control of the senate, and losing just 7 seats in the House.

In previous years, whenever the economy was crap and crime was up, the president's party would lose 50 or 60 House seats.  So losing just 7 seats this time is...astonishing.

Dems:  "Not at all, peasant.  It shows Americans love our policies, because those policies have made life better for most Americans!"

That's so precious.


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