Guy uses mass-spec to compare unvaxxed blood with blood of vaxxed who died with massive clots. Yikes!
The people who rule this nation count on the fact that most Americans have a huge aversion to numbers. So when they see a large table of numbers, unless it pertains to a field the reader is intensely interested in, most Americans ignore whatever's there.
With that said: the CDC absolutely refuses to do autopsies on the bodies of young, fit Americans with no known prior medical conditions who suddenly drop dead, cause unknown. By so refusing, the Powers that run the CDC can claim nothing unusual is happening.
But...when people die, their family members can choose to have a normal open-casket funeral. That requires embalming. And a crucial step in embalming is to replace blood with "embalming fluid." And beginning shortly after people began getting the vax, embalmers have been finding that they can't get the embalming fluid into the body. The arteries and veins are blocked. And that's how the strange, white, rubbery clot-like structures were found.
CDC: "No, we're not aware of any reports of that. Now go away." embalmer had access to a thing called a "mass spectrograph," a device that finds the abundance of any element in a sample, arguably to six significant figures. He analyzed normal blood to find the abundance of 20 elements and isotopes, and then did the same for the blood of people who'd been vaccinated and had died, and had been found to contain large numbers of the unusual clot-like structures.
Here are the abundances of the main metals in the blood of unvaxxed people:
(The "<" for Hg is a typographical error; the guy was apparently looking for a "~", meaning "approximately," but evidently his keyboard didn't have that character.)Now compare the above results with the results for the blood of those who'd been found to have severe "clot-like structures" during embalming:

Now, I don't know how many samples the guy reporting these results tested. You'd need a dozen samples of both normal blood and vaxxed/clotted to get an idea of the range of values. But the results for magnesium, potassium and iron are so far below normal that they're almost certainly significant. In particular, potassium is a huge electrolyte and regulator of dozens of cell mechanisms. Barring error, for potassium in the "died suddenly" group to be less than one percent of the value in normal blood is so many standard deviations below normal as to be proof that the drop isn't due to chance.
It's absolutely crucial to understand that the CDC and FDA can't be unaware of this. So if the results reported above are even reasonably accurate, it's a clear, unequivocal indicator that something extremely unusual is happening.
If we had a reasonaly honest "press," one of them would ask the CDC and FDA if they're aware of these results, and if so, how do they explain the huge differences. If they claim not to know, they should all be fired and their pensions revoked, because they're clearly either lying or incompetent.
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