November 22, 2022

Head of the ADL blasts Musk for reinstating Trump's account, claims that's a "threat to democracy"

If you're a young American NOT living in the northeast U.S. you may not know what the "ADL" is.  That's the "Anti-defamation League"--a Jewish organization formed over 100 years ago to point out and condemn anti-semitism.  Fair enough.

But like far too many organizations, officials of the ADL have turned their organization into yet another shill for leftism.

Of course you immediately discount that, and fair enough.  So let's take a look at the evidence.  

Donald Trump has always been a strong supporter of Israel.  His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is Jewish.  So it's hard to see why the ADL would complain about Elon Musk reinstating Trump's Twitter account--and would then add "Maybe it's time for Twitter to go."

The reason is obvious:  Before Musk spent $44 billion to buy it, Twitter was totally Leftist, and censored anyone who posted anything the Left and Dems didn't want you to see.  So when Musk bought Twitter, Leftists and Dems were furious.  They knew that the popular platform--with hundreds of millions of users--now threatened their otherwise-total control of social media.

So they've started a campaign to try to get users to leave Twitter.  

Thus we see the CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, tweet this:

Why would the head of the Jewish ADL blast Musk for reinstating the Twitter account of the president who has most strongly supported Israel, eh?

It's because Greenblatt--like the entire Left--is desperate for Twitter users to abandon the platform, so it won't be able to influence future U.S. policy--and elections.


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