November 22, 2022

If you took the Covid vax and don't like distressing news, don't read this

Google rigging results so "Died Suddenly" does NOT direct you to the hour-long video released yesterday

If you've been paying attention you may have heard about some young, fit Americans "dying suddenly."  It's happening so often it's even sparked a mocking acronym, SADS--sudden adult death syndrome, even though the victims are often in their 20's or even younger.  (SADS is a takeoff on SIDS--sudden infant death syndrome, which was a thing back in the 1980s.)

Coroners can't find the cause of death, but because any one coroner only sees a couple of these cases in a month, none of the victims is ever autopsied, so if there's an internal cause, coroners don't find it (because it's not identifiable without an autopsy, and no one is demanding those).

But despite no autopsies, one group of technicians has found a common thread.  It's just that no one in government--and almost no one in the Media--wants to know, or wants you to know.

One of the jobs of the lavishly-funded "Center for Disease Misinformation"--oh, sorry: "Control" is to investigate things like this.  Normally if otherwise healthy young people were dying all over the country for no known reason, the CDC would be investigating.  But for some reason the CDC was totally uninterested in these unusual deaths.  

A great question to ask is, If that's usually your job, why no interest in finding the cause of these deaths?  I'd love to see House Republicans subpoena Rochelle Walensky (head of the CDC) and ask her that question.

The techs who've found the cause are embalmers--some with 40 or even 50 years of experience.

If you're queasy, best to stop reading here.  And of course most Americans ARE far too queasy to deal with reality, so there ya go, citizen.

So for those remaining: Embalming involves draining the blood from the body and replacing it with a fluid that doesn't solidify.  And beginning in January of 2021 embalmers began to notice that in many patients it was unusually difficult to pump the embalming fluid into the body.  And they soon found that this was because the arteries and veins were filled with long tube-like structures that resembled blood clots--hence the mocking name for the jab as "the clot shot."

But on closer inspection it was found that the although the clot-like structures had blood on the ends, most of the structure was off-white, and had a rubbery consistency.  Embalmers began to preserve the removed structures, with some embalmers accumulating hundreds of sample bottles of the things.  And looking at their size it's amazing the victims survived as long as they did.

To be clear: No structures like these have EVER been found in the blood before January of 2021--a fact attested to by literally hundreds of embalmers.  But now they're common.  Embalmers say they've tried to bring this to the attention of gruberment authorities, but not one has shown any interest.

So now a film-maker has released an hour-long video interviewing dozens of embalmers, and containing the testimony of various military doctors and flight surgeons, attesting to the huge increase in debilitating diseases and other abnormal events that seem to have started after January of 2021.

The military docs say they reported the huge increases to their superior officers in the DoD but were ignored.  Hmmm...  This is starting to sound familiar.

So with this as background:  The video was released yesterday evening and has already been viewed over two million times--in less than a day.  That's...interesting.  The name of the video is "Died Suddenly," but if you search Google for exactly that name, you get everything BUT the film.  But if you begin the search with "Stew Peters 'Died Suddenly', it's there.  Problem is, the first dozen hits don't take you to the vid but to a trailer.

And there's a second tipoff that the fix is in--that Google is rigging its search results because they don't want anyone to see the video:  Even if you search using the term shown above, the corrupt sons of bitches at Google put this warning on the search results to wave you off:

AH, yes, of course:  Google tells searchers the equivalent of Watch Out!  "It looks like the results below are changing quickly."  Why that warning?  It's tipped with the next sentence: "It can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish..."

Ah, "reliable sources," ya say.  Sounds like what you really mean--but can't admit--is "It takes time for government and media propagandists to crank out articles that will effectively debunk the video we want you to ignore."

That's even clearer when you read the command "Come back later." Translation: "You don't want to view this video, citizen, because if you wait, 'other soureces might have more information in a few hours or days."

Now, I've just shown you that Google is trying to make people either not find or ignore this vid.  And I hate Google and all the rat-bastard liberal scum that rule this poor country.  But even so, my advice is that you NOT watch this video if you have a weak stomach or get queasy watching forceps pulling long clots out of veins.  

And if you're a battle-hardened son of a bitch, don't watch it if you've been drinking--because it will make you wanna do well-deserved violence to all the bastards shown in the vid smugly lying to your face about the jab being "Safe and Effective."

With that said let me note that while the vid has lots of information that the Left can bleat isn't true, it also quote (and shows) a document from Pfizer that you need to see.  During the VERY short clinical trials of the jab, the document from the company admits it gave the jab to 270 pregnant women.  They then mysteriously "lost track" of all but a dozen or so.  Of that group, 11 had spontaneous miscarriages (stillbirths).  Only one had a successful live birth.

Keep in mind that this information is in a document written by the company that made the vax.  They never expected it to be released in your lifetime, having gotten their corrupt cronies in the FDA to bleat that the FDA would have to review every one of the 330,000 pages of docs submitted by Pfizer to get the Emergency Use Authorization, and that the FDA just didn' have enuf pipo to do dat, so duh bes' dey could do was release, oh, 500 pages per month.  

So lessee here: 660 months, dat beez, oh, 55 years befo' dey release duh whole batch.  So...shut up and be patient, peasant!  We'll tell you what happened in 55 years!  Or maybe not, cuz y'all beez ded by then.

But in a miraculously unexpected ruling, the judge in the case told the FDA "Not gonna let y'all get away with that.  You gonna release 5,000 pages a month.  Got it?"

FDA sho' din' wanna do dat, but...we have the doc noted above.  So let's review what it said, eh?

You do remember, right?  I mean, you just got through reading the result, right?  So SURELY you recall...

My students will probably find that line familiar.

The results were that out of 270 pregnant women supposedly enrolled in the trials, Pfizer claims to have "lost track" of all but 11, of which TEN pregnancies resulted in miscarriages.

For the math-phobic, ten miscarriages out of 11 pregnancies is a rate of almost 91 percent.  Compare that to the historic rate of about six percent in 2020 (i.e. before the first jabs).

Very late in the vid an ObGyn with 40 years' experience says that when he began his practice the rate of stillbirths was around ten per 100 pregnancies, but by 2020 it had fallen to around 5.8 per 100.  But then after the first huge wave of vaccinations he says that rose to...wait, this can't be right: 29 per 100??

If true that's almost a five-fold increase.  If we go to the statistical tables for normal distributions (if you don't know exactly what this means you're dismissed; you're qualified to observe, not bleat), we find that the odds of this happening by chance are so close to zero as to be negligible.

Now let me show you how the Regime--the Establishment that jammed all this down your throats--tries to convince you it's all in your mind.  Here's what Google tells us is a "Reuters fact-check."  For the naive, Reuters is as far Left as the Associated Press--which is where most networks get their "newz."

See how neatly they did this?  "The blog relies on unconfirmed reports," says Reuters.  But they neatly avoid telling you the source of what they've claimed is "unconfirmed reports."  It's a database called "DMED," which was a database on all armed forces personnel, run by the Defense Department to monitor the health of our armed forces.  Entirely reasonable, eh?

Well...since the "armed forces" now include a ton of females, someone in the DoD declared that the database had to include pregnancy outcomes.  (Yeah, that's a big deal to an armed forces, eh?  Wait, it should be, unless your government is "woke" and demands that women be in the armed forces.)

SO...the corrupt biden-appointed Secretary of Defense ORDERED that every member of the armed forces take the jab, and that anyone who refused would be booted out.  So we have a group of "service members" who are virtually all vaxxed.  And among those female members the REPORTED rate of spontaneous miscarriages was four times higher than before the jab.

And then a miraculous thing happened--something that's an absolute hallmark of a tyrannical regime:  Within 24 hours of a whistleblower revealing that, the painstakingly assembled "DMED" was taken off the Net.

"Dat not true!  Dat fake newz!  Duh reeel DMED beez still up!  It don' say nuffin' like dat!"  OR..."An unexpected glitch in the internet has inexplicably removed the figures for miscarraiges among female members of the armed forces.  We do NOT know why that happened, and are working to understand and restore this data point.  Yep yep yep.  And you can believe us becuz we're reel officials working fo' duh biden administration."

Yeah.  Well.  A medical officer testified that it happened.  Argue with her about it, if you have first-hand knowledge.

Oh don't.  But that won't stop asshole Democrats from claiming the whistleblower was wrong.  Why am I not surprised?

SO...okay, if you want to view the vid, click here.  Just remember: I warned you.: 


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