November 23, 2022

Flu deaths that supposedly "vanished" were deliberately mis-categorized as Chyna virus

Your rulers know most Americans aren't good with numbers.  They count on that to pull outrageous scams.

If you're not clear on the "not good with numbers" thing, ask any college student what the interest rate on their credit card is, and what they'd pay in a year if they have a balance of, say, $5,000.  Ask your congresscreep how many more billions the country will have to pay next year due to the increase in the interest rate on the two-year Treasury note.  You'll get a blank look. 

So with that said...Back in 2020 and 2021, those of us who do know numbers very well noticed something really odd:  The number of flu deaths reported had dropped almost to zero.

This was odd because in an average year about 40,000 Americans die from the flu.  What would make the flu suddenly take a year or two off?

Of course the most logical explanation was that the 40,000 flu deaths had been falsely attributed to the Chyna virus--presumably to increase the panic among citizens and thus make them eager to do ANYTHING the government ordered to "keep them safe."

This impossible "anomaly" in flu deaths was brought up to the CDC, which totally ignored it.  Refused to respond in any way--because they knew the claim of "no flu deaths" was horseshit, and that if admitted it would tend to make some people skeptical that perhaps the government agencies were lying about LOTS of things.

So with that as background, a doctor finally gathered all the data on *reported* child flu deaths and put it in a graphical form that makes the scam obvious.  Take a look:

As you see, in the 2020-2021 flu season there was only one reported pediatric flu death., compared to hundreds in the prior year.  (Remember these are just pediatric deaths.)

The pattern continues in the 2021-2022 flu season, with just a couple of dozen deaths.

"Pay no attention to the graph, citizens.  The low numbers are simply reporting errors. glitches.  Wait...  We're working to find a cover story you'll believe, so be patient."

If you want a detailed theory for why the jab (it is NOT a vaccine in the time-honored meaning) may be causing an increase in cancer and RSV, click here.


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