November 24, 2022

How the FDA's warning NOT to use ivermectin was echoed by stupid state boards, killing Americans

I've previously posted on how brazenly the FDA LIED to the public in implying that ivermectin was only approved for animals.  Implying that it had NOT been approved for human use, and that it could be harmful to humans.  I told you how the warning had prompted hospitals--afraid to cross the FDA warning--to prohibit doctors working for them from prescribing the drug, 

I told you that states run by demonic, tyrannical Democrats threatened to yank the medical licenses of any doctor that prescribed the drug.  Now Californi--totally ruled by Democrats that control every part of the government--has passed a LAW permitting the state to take away a doctor's license for merely STATING any belief or finding about Covid treatment that the Democrats didn't like.

Now I want to show you how crappy DeepState shitheads in even a semi-Republican state like Texas ran with the FDA's scare campaign and warned their own citizens not to use ivermectin.  Take a look:

Now let's take this apart.  First, I guarantee that the Texas Department of State Health Services did NOT do a single bit of its own research to arrive at the claims it's made that I've underlined above.  They aren't even remotely equipped to do that kind of research.  Instead they simply parroted the FDA's lies.

How about that unequivocal claim that "ivermectin cannot treat viral illnesses"?  In the comments to the DSHS lie a pharmacist posted a link to an NIH paper saying it helps against three specific viruses: West Nile, Dengue and Zika.  Went over everyone's head.

Now for a real hoot: Go to the DSHS website and read the damn comments, from scores of leftist morons who wouldn't know a virus from a bacterium, but who are convinced that ivermectin has NO anti-viral properties at all.  Now where do ya suppose these cretins got that idea, eh?

Of course: From the FDA's directives, which claimed it was used to treat intestinal parasites.  Certainly that's one of its uses, "but hey, if dat drug helped humans fight off viruses, why din' duh FDA say so, eh?  Since dey din' do dat, mus' not work on virus!  See?  Har har har!  Stupid conservatives!"

Then a few doctors and pharmacists quote articles the leftists can't even begin to understand:

But of course most of the Leftist commenters--delighted to play along with the FDA's characterization of skeptics as "eating horse dewormer"--don't know a damn thing about viruses, so the effort was wasted, as you'd expect.

So here we are, almost three years after the first case of the chyna virus hit the U.S., and the damn FDA STILL hasn't said "We're sorry we warned you not to take a drug that we knew was totally safe, since our own agency approved it for human use decades ago.  We're sorry that because we intimidated hospitals and pharmacists and state boards, no American could legally get the drug that we KNEW cured Covid.  We're sorry if you had family members or husbands or wives who died while we blocked them from using this effective drug.  So we'll now resign and kill ourselves in shame."


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