October 29, 2022

Why have the Dems crippled what was once the most fabulous economy on Earth?

For decades the U.S., with a bit over 310 million people (average, then), had BY FAR the world's largest economy, leading even China, which had almost four times our population (over 1.1 BILLION people).

Because the U.S. had such a fabulous economy, the average standard of living for Americans was relatively fabulous compared to most other nations.  If you don't realize that you're either a Democrat/socialist/communist or stupid.

For Democrats we must point out that one key to our fabulous economy was--can you guess?-- inexpensive, reliable energy.  So the America-haters--both here and overseas--who wanted to see our world-leading economy crippled realized that the way to do that was to find a way to get the American public to believe inexpensive, plentiful energy was somehow BAD.

And sure enough, they found a way:  they claimed our main source of energy was warming the climate by an unprecedented, dangerous amount.  And they claimed the cause was...surely you know, right?--carbon dioxide.

That turns out to be horseshit, as is proven by about six factors--which is why the Left will never debate, because they know their prized theory--their "globull worming" weapon--has always been horseshit.   But the truth doesn't matter to totalitarians, and with the help of the Lying Mainstream Media the Democrats/communists got Americans to believe that CO2 was gonna kill damn near all life on the planet.  

And that erroneous belief eventually helped Democrats take control of the ENTIRE U.S. government in 2020.  Which allowed Porridgebrain crippling the U.S. energy sector and selling roughly half of our nation's "Strategic Petroleum Reserve."  Check it out for yourself.

The SOLE purpose of selling off roughly half of the oil in the SPR was to try to keep the price of gasoline from going higher.  Since most Americans depend on gasoline and diesel, higher gas and diesel prices would cost Democrats votes.  So selling off roughly half of our SPR made perfect sense to the Democrats.

So biden and the Democrats shot the U.S. economy right in the heart.  And you're reaping the "benefits" now.  Hope you're enjoying 'em! 

SO, where does that leave us?

Oh, don't worry about it, citizen.  You'll like renting instead of owning.  You'll LOVE eating crickets and mealworms, and watching "Survivor" and DWTS.  And in ten years almost no one will remember a time when anything was different.

Thanks, Democrats!



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