October 13, 2022

Leftist cesspool "Salon" reveals what the Left/Dems really think about conservatives

Most residents of flyover country think Democrats are at least roughly similar to the rest of us in terms of our hoped-for "essential goodness."

Really?  Democrats support open borders, "vaccine" mandates, forcing kids as young as 5 to be injected with an experimental, ineffective, life-threatening "vax" in order to attend school; forcing American workers to take the same vax or be fired, encouraging schools to teach that America is raaaaacist and unfair, and on and on.

So basically Democrats are just like conservatives, except for supporting radically different gummint policies on virtually everything, eh?

If you loved the nation you grew up in, then unless you've spent time on either the west coast or the northeast you have no idea what you're up against.  To find out, take a look at what the leftist website "Salon" thinks about you:

Today's Republican Party has effectively become an authoritarian political cult led by Donald Trump. His millions of followers — with their votes, money, menace and potential or actual violence — have become his primary means of controlling the party and progressively undermining American democracy and society.

Ah, "authoritarian," ya say?  You mean like ORDERING kids as young as 5 to take the worthless jab?  ORDERING all every American working for a company with 100 or more employees to take the jab or be fired?  THAT sort of "authoritarian" crap?  Yeah, dat's what I thought.  It's called "accuse the other side of doing what YOUR side is doing.

When Trump first emerged as a serious presidential candidate in 2016, Republican leaders and other right-wing elites believed they could control him and use him as a weapon in their revolutionary and reactionary struggle. They were both right and wrong about that. 

Donald Trump is a political monster; Such leaders and forces have a mind and will all their own.

"A political monster," ya say?  So should we wonder how you feel about Americans who voted for him?

As president, Trump enacted policies that the Republican Party and larger white right have long dreamed of imposing on the American people, most notably rolling back taxes on the rich and seizing full control of the Supreme Court.

They really think Trump "seized full control of the Supreme Court"?  The same court that refused even to take the case in which Texas accused Pennsylvania of massive election fraud?  You call THAT "full control"?  What utter horseshit.  

That was a great victory in the long-term campaign to reverse the civil rights victories of the 20th and 21st century won by Black and brown people, women, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups.  

But Donald Trump quickly become more powerful than the Republican Party, and not necessarily aligned with its leaders. His followers are far more loyal to him than to the party itself. When Trump and his followers attempted a violent coup on Jan. 6, 2021, many "mainstream" Republicans struggled to adjust to this new reality.

The only people who were dangerous on 1/6 were the feds who killed two unarmed citizens.  Both victims were women.  One was shot from a distance of 8 feet by an abysmally incompetent capitol cop.  The other was beaten to death on the steps of the Capitol.  Yeah, one side was murderous on 1/6:  the Democrats.

Many people in the party understood that Trump was a fascist, perhaps a traitor and in a larger sense an existential threat to the United States. Within the Trump administration, there were discussions about removing him from office through the 25th Amendment. But ultimately most Republicans chose partisanship and power over genuine patriotism and the common good. In doing so, they made themselves de facto agents of American neofascism.

This is how the Left (and most Democrat political "leaders" actually think.  And dick-heads like Mitch McConnell quietly support the Dems. 


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