Democrats: "Immigrants" in Texas and Arizona? GOOD! But oddly, busing 'em to DC is somehow bad.
NPR is the latest mainstream outlet to attack Republican governors for busing illegal aliens to Democrat cities. Or as NPR euphemized it, for "the growing migrant crisis in liberal cities."
NPR joined the NY Times, MSNBC, the Washington Post and Vanity Fair in attacking the Republican governors for "creating a migrant crisis" in Dem cities.
Note that phrasing "a migrant crisis." Cuz it's definitely NOT a crisis caused by *illegal aliens crossing our open borders,* but by..."migrants." "Starving refugees." "Terrified transgenders afraid of being killed in dere macho, intolerant, unsophisticated home countries."
Yeh, dat's it. Except it's not. The illegals are all fat, well fed, well dressed, have new sneakers and smartphones. They've made it to the land of endless welfare and big supermarkets, and Democrats are absolutely thrilled to welcome 'em in, even though it violates U.S. immigration law.
And here's where we start to see NPR being...confused: Cuz the Democrats have never tired of telling us how *thrilled* they were to invite all the illegal aliens in. *Were* delighted...until the Republican governors of Texas and Arizona started sending buses of illegals to New York City and Washington S.C. ("swamp central").
But now for some reason everything has mysteriously changed: On Friday NPR wailed and moaned that New York City and Washington D.C. are "struggling to handle growing numbers of 'immigrants' being bused to their cities.
The title of NPR's bleat read "GOP governors sent buses of migrants to D.C. and NYC — with no plan for what's next."
You can see that NPR seems genuinely confused: After all, "DIEversity is our greatest strength,' right? At least that's what biden has repeatedly told us. And since the illegals are definitely diverse, and absolutely won't be a welfare burden those governors, nor act as distributors for cartel drugs, then per all the bleating of the Democrat party, by busing a few hundred "immigrants" to DC and NYC the governors of Texas and Arizona were doing the Democrats a big favor, sharing the benefits of dieversity, eh?
NPR starts realizing that something about that theory is wrong because they noted that when the buses full of diversity arrived in DC and NYC, "no government officials are there to meet them"! Must have been some sort of communications glitch.
That struck NPR as odd, since you would have expected officials of the two Democrat shitholes sorry, world-class Democrat-run cities to have personally welcomed the "immigrants" and thanked the GOP governors for sharing this great benefit with them instead of keeping all the benefits in their own states. Hmmm....
As NPR's editors worked to solve this puzzle, they found a clue: They noted that there were actually a few *critics* of sharing the benefits of "migrants," who called it ‘political theater.’ The only critics NPR mentioned were "some Republican state and local officials"--carefully unnamed--leading NPR's editors to speculate that these officials may have been from Texas and Arizona and were irked that their governors had given part of this bounty away! Yeh, dat sounds right!
NPR also quoted the head of the Central American Resource Center, who criticized the busing plan as a "media hit." NPR didn't explain what a "media hit" meant but it sounded dramatic so they went with it.
But now NPR is really puzzled, as they note that both D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and NYC Mayor Eric Adams are reporting "emergency situations in handling migrants."
You can almost see NPR's editors heads exploding. "Dis not possible! Dear Leader say 200,000 "immigrants" per month beez totally fine! So how could Dear Leader Muriel and Dear Leader Eric be reporting "emergency situations in handling *migrants*, eh? It just doesn't make sense!
So in good liberal fashion NPR checked with other liberal "media outlets"...and found that they too were blaming the two GOP governors for what the NY Times called "the migrant crisis plaguing more liberal cities away from the border." The Times accused the two governors of "causing havoc" while Vanity Fair suggested that the Republicans "successfully created a migrant crisis" through Abbott’s busing strategy. The Washington Post called it "a cruel, political stunt" that has devolved into "relentless, inhumane cruelty."
The editors of NPR were still mystified: How could the same "immigrants" who the regime insisted were an absolute, unalloyed blessing when they poured across the Mexican border into Texas and Arizona become an "emergency situation" and/or "crisis" simply by being re-located from Texas and Arizona to NYC and DC? It didn't make sense.
And oddly, the biden regime seemed to confirm this bizarre theory, accusing the governors of "using migrants as political tools." But how could the GOP governors sharing the magnificent blessing of unlimited "immigrants" with northern sities be "using migrants as political tools"?
It took NPR two days of combing back through old video to find the Smartest Person in the regime--biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre--to solve the mystery: "There is a process in place for managing migrants at the border. What the governors are doing is not it."
A few members of the White House press pool briefly flirted with the idea of asking Jean-Pierre if the governors busing "immigrants" north was actually saving the regime lots of money, since the regime charters big commercial jets every week to fly the "immigrants" to Westchester County airport at 3a.m. So why would anyone think busing the "migrants" was objectionable, since it accomplished the same thing at no cost to the federal government.
They quickly decided asking that might be a career-ending move.
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