August 04, 2022

Watch this ad, and see if you can figure out *from the ad* what it's about

If you wanna see a great example of how liberal donors can fix an election in a distant state, take a quick look at the 30-second video at this link.  Then without reading farther, based only on what the ad said, tell me what you think the ad was about. 

Part of the message was clear:  whoever paid for the ad wanted Kansans to vote no on a constitutional amendment.  But what did the proposed amendment SAY, eh?

The ad never says.  Instead the ad begins "They call it a constitutional amendment, but it's actually another government mandate."  And they include a shot of the classic sign on the door of every business in locked-down states about "You MUST wear a mask to enter this business!!"   Cuz everyone hated that "mandate," eh?  Just like everyone hated biden's "vaccine mandate" that forced everyone who worked for a company with 100 or more employees to take the vax or be fired.  So you may be starting to think that whatever the ad is pushing, you support it--cuz everyone hates mandates, right?

SO...have you figured out what the amendment was about yet?  If you have, you sure as hell didn't get even a hint of what the proposed amendment did from the ad--because the ad never mentioned it.  Not once.

The proposed amendment would have done two things:

  • it would have established that nothing in that state's constitution created a right to abortion, and thus could not force taxpayers to pay for abortions. (Taxpayer funding is ALWAYS euphemized by pro-abortion forces as "government" funding); and 
  • stated that the state legislature has the authority to pass laws regarding abortion.

The Kansas legislature believed the amendment was necessary because the state has a Bill of Rights that explicitly states that abortion is a human right--a position they realized the Left would use to prevent the legislature from putting even the smallest restrictions on the practice.  For example, in many Dem-ruled states, staff in public schools are encouraged to connect 15-year-old girls with abortion providers *without notifying the girl's parents.*

The obvious, predictable result is, since the parents are never informed of the situation it's impossible to change their supervision to try to ensure it doesn't happen again.

It's crucial to understand that the amendment did NOT ban abortions--which is the claim always made by Democrats whenever a legislature tries to put even the slightest limits on the practice.

SO...the proposed amendment to the Kansas constitution was on the ballot two days ago.  And thanks to millions of dollars from sources outside the state, the pro-abortion side was able to flood all TV stations with ads like the one at the link above, and the amendment was voted down 65-35.

Now, one can understand the arguments on both sides of this question.  And there's no question that the language of the proposed amendment invited exactly the kind of attacks exploited by pro-abortion forces.  What the amendment should have said is that the legislature recognized that abortions to save the mother's life, or in cases of rape or incest, would not be restricted, but that the legislature had the authority to pass laws regulating the practice.

It doesn't take a PhD to predict that the Left will use exactly the same campaign used in Kansas--funded almost entirely by out-of-state sources--to try to block all state measures attempting to regulate abortion, or to restrict the use of taxpayer funding for same.


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