August 05, 2022

DeSantis fires Tampa prosecutor who said he wouldn't enforce laws he doesn't like; local CBS station does hit piece on...

Example number 365,296 of how the Lying Mainstream Media uses their platforms to demonize conservatives and praise Democrats:  Andrew Warren was the county prosecutor in Tampa, and declared that he wouldn't prosecute violations of any law he didn't agree with.  (He didn't say it in those words but named several statutory crimes he wouldn't prosecute.)

As you could probably guess, that sort of bullshit is how society ends.  So a couple of days ago Florida governor Ron DeSantis fired the guy.

As you could also have guessed, the firing gravely offended the liberal assholes who run Tampa's CBS affiliate.  So they set about portraying Andrew Warren as the crusader for good, and DeSantis as the villain.  As CBS put it, Warren "denounced laws that criminalize doctors who provide gender affirming care for transgender people. 

Seriously.  The article said DeSantis had suspended Warren "for pledging not to use his office to go after...doctors who provide gender affirming care to transgender people." 

Wow!  How cruel to deny "gender-affirming care" to transgenders, eh?  So you just could NOT possibly consider electing DeSantis president, eh?  Cuz he fired a guy who said he wouldn't prosecute docs who " to transgender people."  That's barbaric, right?

It's not until way down in the 17th paragraph in the article (and the Media know almost no readers will do that), after 16 'grafs praising the hell out of Andrew Warren and demonizing DeSantis that one finally finds the writer's admission that Florida has no law banning sex-change surgery (including hormone blockers) but that DeSantis has "taken steps" to study banning those procedures on children under the age of 18.

Wow, that puts a totally different spin on the story, eh?  Kids under 18 can't legally execute contracts, can't get married under most curcumstances without parental approval, can't get a tattoo or even buy beer.  Gosh, how horrible!  But Democrats claim a 12-year-old can decide to change sex, and they DEMAND that sane adults--including the kid's parents--not object.  Indeed, MANY school systems have as official policy that parents are NOT to even be notified if their kid wants to change sex.

Even starting puberty blockers--let alone cross-sex hormones--will change them for life.

Most rational adults realize a) kids under 18 rarely know anything about anything; and b) lots of kids who change genders on the urging of the sex-change industry (and there sure as hell IS one) say they regret it later.  This is so common that the monsters who rule California passed a law against anyone--including parents--who urge a person to "DE-transition."

If going tranny is so damn faaaabulous, why would you need to pass a law against urging a person to change back to their biological sex, eh?

And of course the author of the piece knew the "steps" being taken by DeSantis involved minor children, but also that this would be viewed much more sympathetically.  It's why the mention in the first 'graf contained the claim that the steps were to "deny gender-affirming care"--omitting the absolutely crucial qualifier "for minor children," while that crucial qualifier was placed near the  of the article.

If you think that was an accident I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I can sell you, cheap!


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