August 02, 2022

biden regime: "We LOVE Green energy," recommends spending $500 million to destroy four dams

One of the best sources of clean energy is hydroelectric:  No terrifying CO2, no nuclear waste, no dead birds, no toxic metals from scrapped solar cells!  

How the f'k could ANYONE, even a moron Democrat, complain about hydro, eh?

Ah, I see you haven't actually MET any really leftist Democrats.  Cuz they don't want to just kill oil and gas and coal and nuclear.  They also wanna kill hydroelectric power.

Typical Democrat voter:  "Dis not true!  Dis fake newz!  You lie!  Our party LOVES dat wunnerful Green energy!"

Ah.  So is that why the biden regime is about to demolish four dams on the Klamath river?

"Um...dat not true!  Dat fake newz!  You lie!"

Okay, snowflake, click the damn link.

The stated reason is that the dams have made it impossible for salmon to reach the upper ends of the river to spawn.  And since greenies claim the salmon are "imperiled" then it just makes sense to spend half a BILLION dollars to destroy those damns, eh?

Wait...what?  Ya say there's a thing called a "salmon ladder" that allows salmon to get past dams?

Snowflake: "You lie! There is no such thing!"

Geez, it's really tiring trying to educate city-bred snowflakes whose only "education" has been that "Duh U.S. is raaaacis'" and "All the cool kids are changing their gender, which is cool!"

Yes, snowflake, salmon ladders are a real thing.  And if the job wasn't hamstrung by thousands of gruberment rules a small company could build a salmon ladder on one dam for about $40 million bucks.  Total cost for all four would be...C'mon, snowflake, you don't need a calculator to figure that one out, right?  Cuz surely you learned how to "multiply" in skool, right?

Nah, you didn't.  $160 million.  For a saving of...what, compared to the half-BILLION gruberment estimate to destroy the four dams?

But the goal of the biden regime and all its lackeys is NOT to make more salmon.  That's just the excuse to destroy the dams.  The real goal is to kill the U.S. economy by eliminating reliable energy.

Now just wait:  After the electrical output of the dams has been replaced by windmills, the Democrats will wail that the windmills are killing millions of endangered birds (which they are, and have been from the outset, as everyone with a brain has known all along but has ignored becuz to leftists "GREEN ENERGY" outweighs all other considerations), and they demand the windmills be destroyed.

Then they'll use the excuse of "toxic metals" to try to ban solar cells.  "You don't need all that electricity, citizen!  Who needs more than 200 kwh per month, eh?"

(If you don't know what "kwh" means, you have no business in any discussion about energy.)

Do you have any idea what a "kwh" costs where you live?  I ask my college students, and of course they have no idea--as none of us did in college.  Ask your parents if they know.

Meanwhile, watch for the biden regime to award a half-billion-dollar contract to a big Dem donor for "removing" (destroying) the four dams.



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