The Dems game plan-- place your bets
7/21/2022 biden reportedly tests positive for duh Chyna virus
Despite biden's plummeting approval rating, polls say--"somewhat surprisingly"--that the November midterms are tied. So Democrat leaders believe voters like their policies! So if they could somehow get biden to step down, suddenly their chances of only losing a couple of seats would go way up.
So in the last two months or so, as biden's approval rating has continued to drop, the folks who run the Democrat party are starting to look for a way to get biden out of the way. One way is the 25th Amendment, and I suspect they've faintly floated that to Cocaine Mitch and RINO McCarthy. And the GOP "leaders" may be dumb enough to bite. But the Dems also have a very attractive route that doesn't invoke the 25th Amendment, but uses it as a threat if necessary. Watch:
Since biden got covid despite having supposedly taken all four shots, the story will "be leaked" (wink-wink) that reason biden got it is that he has the dreaded "Omicron Ba.5 sub-variant," which all the "experts" at CDC have been telling us--endlessly--is able to craftily evade the protection of the existing vaccines. So the FDA and CDC will quickly approve a vax specifically targeting this new, supposedly far more transmissible variant.
Remember that phrase "far more transmissible." That word says nothing about how dangerous it is...and no "reporter" will ask whether it's more lethal than earlier variants. (Spoiler: it's not.)
As biden's health deteriorates, "despite the heroic efforts of the best doctors in the country," the Media will hang on (and report) every word from his doctors, every day. Every day the evening news will broadcast a minute of video of the supposedly "huge" crowds gathered outside Walter Reed hospital in a hushed, hopeful vigil on that day. And every day this crowd will supposedly get larger.
Nothing will be able to bump this story off the top of the news. No more stories about record inflation or high gas prices, or continuing a biden policy of selling a million barrels of oil per day from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China and Europe. No more stories about 200,000 illegals per month pouring across our southern border--another Dem policy--and promptly being flown by the biden regime to states far from the border. Because all those things would reflect badly on "our Dear Leader who is now fighting for survival."
Every Media story will play on the emotions of Americans by noting the "grave concern"--supposedly by everyone--for the president's health. Every talking head will repeat the talking point that "Doctors say if more Americans had just been fully vaccinated, including two booster shots, this terrible tragedy could have been prevented." So many Americans will blame biden's covid on the unvaxxed--which was the point.
Despite their best efforts, doctors will announce--with great solemnity--that Dear Leader is unable to resume the very demanding duties of president, and will resign. If he balks, his handlers will tell him that there are enough votes in congress to force him out under the 25th Amendment. This will be a bluff, but biden has no way to know it. So faced with the "noble choice" of resigning, or the less attractive one of being forced out, he'll resign.
And by law, Harris will automatically be sworn in as president--with two years left on biden's term.
Assuming Repubs manage to win narrow majorities in either or both chambers--something that is by no means assured--you'd think the Dems would be prevented from doing much more damage to the nation than they already have, since really damaging bills presumably couldn't pass. But while really ghastly bills won't pass, Harris will continue to do as biden has done, issuing outrageous, unconstitutional executive orders to accomplish damaging Democrat goals.
Harris can also quietly direct agency heads to simply issue rules to do whatever the Dems want--exactly as happened when Porridgebrain issued the "vaccine mandate:" He didn't literally issue that order, but instead directed OSHA to do it by issuing a rule. The authority of federal agencies to issue rules within the authority granted by law has been upheld by the courts. The courts have held that such rules have the force of law.
If a Harris regime order should trigger too much pushback, biden's health will take a turn for the worse, dominating the news for a week or so and taking the air out of the pushback story.
Another avenue for Dems to get what they want, even though they no longer have control of congress, will be to offer race-coddling or tranny-coddling amendments that RINOs will vote for, either from agreeing or from not wanting to risk drawing fire from those two groups. So those amendments will pass. More damage.
Example: laws that prevent criticizing protected groups, under the rationale of stopping "hate speech." RINOs eat that stuff up.
SO...Harris installed as president your bets.
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