July 20, 2022

Someone has compared content of the Chinese version of TikTok with ours. Radically different.

(This is rushed but have to get it out now or I'll forget.)  

You all know about TikTok.  So how many of you parents know it was created by an agency of the Chinese communist party?  Yeah, seriously.

Oh wait...some of you may recall that Trump tried to stop the damage TikTok was causing,  He didn't have the constitutional authority to shut it down, so tried forcing China to sell the app.  Good thought, didn't work: they just "sold it" to a U.S. company controlled by China.  So no help.

So...in this country TikTok is virtually all young girls trying to out-do each other in getting attention (with a few hundred gay and tranny school teachers bleating that they have the absolute right to push sex-change on your ten-year-old, and how DARE you object?)  Since that sort of thing would never be allowed in China, a few Americans asked, What kind of content is on the Chinese version of TikTok, eh?

To find out, Tucker Carlson's staff registered a laptop on a Chinese website.  And on Monday, in the last 15 minutes of his show Tucker ran side-by-side comparisons of the content of the Chinese and U.S. versions..

And it turns out that the Chinese version doesn't have even ONE teen girl twerking or doing those stupid hand-jive dance moves while wearing skimpy clothes.  Not one.  Instead Chinese TikTok is full of students doing impressive academic-related things.  Artwork.  Graduation ceremonies.  Architecture.  So their version encourages accomplishment, and civil behavior.  It's pro-Chinese-society,   While the U.S. version is full of attention-demanding teen girls and tranny school teachers.

Democrats:  "Dere is nothing at all wrong with this!  Our version is MUCH better!  Just because a few dozen girls on our TikTok vie for male attention doesn't mean other girls will mimic what they see!  Our girls are smarter than that!"

Ah.  You're sure about that?

Like everything from China, TikTok was and is a weapon.  And it's working as intended.

Convention war is expensive.  But some wars can be won without firing a shot.

Commenter:  "I don't see anyuthing bad about tiktok. I think it learns what you like and gives you more. I love mine. I don't see the bad parts."

Backup source. 


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