July 19, 2022

How's your memory of crucial events from 2 years ago? Summary of two-and-a-half years of the "plandemic"

When something takes two years to unfold, most people forget most of the early pieces of the puzzle--pieces that, if viewed all at once, paint a clear and damning picture.  
    So it is with duh Chyna virus and the so-called "vaccines."  Read on, and see how much you've forgotten since Feb 2020:

*January 29, 2020:  New virus hits.  Chinese city reports tens of thousands have died from it!  Ghastly, scary footage on TV every night!  (Scary in large part because Chinese cops are clubbing citizens and dragging 'em into police vans and carting them off to...who knows?)

*Fauci urgently recommends wearing a mask to protect against getting the apparently-deadly virus, but later is discovered to have emailed a friend saying masks are useless against the virus since the virus is 100 times smaller than the pores in the mask.  It's a pattern of deception he'll repeat many times.

*FDA and CDC and Democrat governors declare a dire emergency, order lockdowns and masking.  Cops in Dem-ruled cities issue tickets to people who dare to appear in public without a mask.  In some cities the tickets carry thousand-dollar fines.  In Newsome-ruled California cops ticket solo person paddleboarding offshore.  In some shit northern state a mom is handcuffed and arrested for taking her child to a local park, even though they were the only people there.  Cuz "rulez is rulez," say the Democrat Nazis.

*To detect infections the CDC orders labs and hospitals to use a test *known to give a HUGE percentage of false positives.*  Predictably, the number of "cases" goes exponential.  All TV networks start running a sidebar--usually in blood-red!--on many programs displaying the frightening number of total "cases," even though this number is total bullshit due to the test that almost everyone in the lab business knows gives a very high percentage of false positives.

*CDC orders all hospitals to report all deaths of anyone having a positive test result as "due to covid" and says it will pay hospitals $35,000 for every death so reported.  Highly incentivized, hospitals comply, even if the actual cause of death was a motorcycle accident or gunshot!  Predictably, the reported number of "deaths due to covid" goes exponential.  Every TV network blares this figure in the sidebar, above "total cases."  

*FDA effectively bans the use of two known, approved, safe and effective treatments HCQ and ivermectin--even though those drugs are approved by the FDA for human use!  Legally the agency can't ban 'em, but constantly screams that they're "not approved for use against covid," which scares off most docs.  Three Dem governors threaten to revoke the medical licenses of any doc who prescribes either drug.
   The FDA sends snarky tweets trying to get Americans not to use ivermectin by implying that drug has NOT been approved for human use--even though that's totally false.  One tweet reads "You are not a horse!  You are not a cow!  C'mon, people!"

*Fueled by the rising bullshit totals, blasted on every TV "newz" program, and the actual deaths caused by banning effective drugs and putting patients on "respirators," fear of dying from duh virus goes exponential.  Networks feature endless heartwrenching stories about dictatorial hospitals not allowing wives to comfort their dying husbands, but only being allowed to look thru the window of the locked door as their loved one dies.  Same for hospitals that refuse to allow adult children to comfort a dying parent, but only being allowed to watch them die thru a window.  The networks flood the airwaves and cable with those stories because they're so gripping.  The fear factor reaches mass-hysteria levels.

*Studies begin to emerge showing that the average age of death "due to covid" is higher than the average life expectancy of Americans.  Interestingly, these studies get absolutely no coverage in the Mainstream Media.

*March 28, 2020:  NY governor Cuomo has been screaming for help, says NYC hospitals are "overwhelmed" with covid patients.  So at Trump's order, Navy hospital ship docks in NYC to help with the alleged "overwhelming" patient load.  And waits for patients.  And waits.  Three weeks later it leaves, having  treated just 179 patients.  Cuomo says the city didn't need it.
   Wait...what happened to all the covid patients who were supposedly "overwhelming" NYC hospitals?
   Citizens with cellphone cameras start showing up at hospitals in NYC--the ones supposedly overwhelmed.  Dozens of vids are posted on the Net of different NYC hospitals showing the places are almost totally vacant.  Security guards get calls to kick the videographers out.  Can't have Americans questioning the Narrative, eh?

*March 31, 2020:  To deal with the reportedly *huge* number of cases of the supposedly "unusually deadly" virus, a charitable organization, Samaritan's Purse, sets up a "field hospital" in NYC's famed Central Park.  One month later it closes, after treating just 315 patients.  What happened to all the reports claiming a "flood" of patients near death?  There were certainly *some,* but the reported flood never existed--as corroborated by the experience of the hospital ship, and videos of several vacant hospitals.

*On the campaign trail, biden declares that when he's elected he will never force Americans to take the "vaccine" being developed by several companies.  "No vaccine mandate!"

*November 2020:  Helped by 3a.m. ballot dumps, Porridgebrain is officially declared to have won the election.  Dems and the Media thrilled: One media outlet crowed "Finally, the adults are back in charge!

*December 11, 2020:  The first vaxxes get "emergency use authorization" (EUA) from the FDA, after trials lasting just three months or so.  With such short trials it's obviously not possible to have discovered any long-term adverse effects, but with the frightening number of *reported* deaths from duh virus, and everyone's eagerness to end the dictatorial lockdowns, Americans welcome the announcement.
   Due to the "national health emergency" all vaccine makers have legal immunity, meaning they can't be sued for deaths or injuries later found to be caused by their vaccines. Only a small percentage of Americans know this, and in any case the "vaccines" are the only way to keep from dying of what the Media have been telling 'em is the incredibly-nearly-always-fatal virus, so what choice do they have, eh?

*The insanely-hyped fear prompts half the population to rush to take the jab.  Some Dem-run states order that the vaccines to be given to minorities first, because of "systemic raaacism" or something, then to school teachers, health-care workers and first-responders.  Such restrictions make the vaxxes seem even more attractive ("everyone's rushing to get it!  Don't miss out!), increasing the eagerness of scared Americans to take the jab.  
   Many politicians are found to have pulled strings to get the vax before minorities, health-care workers and first-responders, but no one charges them with anything.

*Fauci, FDA, CDC constantly urge everyone to take the jab to keep from getting the virus.  Large Dem-ruled cities (NYC, LA, Chicago to name a few) order that you can't go to a public event--or even a restaurant!--without proof of vaccination.  Cities devise "vaccine passports."

*President-elect biden reiterates that he will *never order Americans to take the jab.*  "No vaccine mandates!"  He says it very sternly, to show everyone how serious he is about this.

*January, 2021: Porridgebrain installed.  Says he will never order Americans to take the jab.  Sternly growls "No vaccine mandates!*

*Biden's transportation secretary floats the idea of not allowing people to fly commercial OR EVEN CROSS STATE LINES BY BUS OR CAR without proof of vaccination.  This would literally be a "vaccine passport."  The proposal triggers so much pushback that it's temporarily dropped.

*May, 2021: With the vaxxes having been in public use for just five months, the FDA "expands" the emergency-use authorization to include children as young as 12.  Millions of Democrats eagerly rush to get their 12- to 15-year-olds jabbed.  biden regime claims 70 percent of Americans are vaxxed.

*September 9, 2021:  biden issues an "executive order" requiring all federal employees and all members of the Armed Forces to take the vax.  His Secretary of Defense orders that any service member who refuses to take the vax will be involuntarily separated.

*September 22, 2021:  After initially claiming the vaxxes were "effective" (meaning the jabbed would be immune to getting the virus) and downplaying the number of what it called "breakthrough cases" among those who'd been jabbed, the FDA "amends" its EUA--for the Pfizer vaccine only--to allow the use of "a single booster shot."  Note: a single "booster shot."  We'll see that again soon.

*Fakebook and Twatter delete posts by users claiming adverse effects from the jab, and later expand this censorship to include deleting accounts of anyone who criticizes the jab, or claims irregularities in the approval process.

*October 29, 2021:  FDA expands EUA, approving the vax for children as young as five years old.  Millions of Democrats rush to get their 5- to 11-year-olds jabbed.  

*The vaxes have been available for just ten months, and already half the U.S. population has been vaxxed.  And now reports begin to emerge of jabbed people either dying or experiencing ghastly injuries within days or weeks after taking the shot.  Fakebook and Twatter instantly delete all posts claiming any adverse effects.

*November 5, 2021:  After repeatedly declaring for over a year that he would never order Americans to take the vaccine, biden (actually his handlers) directs OSHA to order all companies with 100 or more employees to fire any employee who refuses to take the vax or take a weekly covid test.  So much for "No vaccine mandate!" eh?

*Reports begin emerging that nations that only vaxxed a couple of percent of the population report virtually no deaths from covid.  Predictably, these reports are ignored by the Mainstream Media.  (To point out the obvious, such reports would make more Americans question the entire Narrative, which might cost Democrats votes.)

*Since 1990 the CDC and FDA have jointly managed a system specifically for reporting adverse effects from every vaccine.  It's called VAERS, and it's showing LOTS of deaths and injuries from covid vaxxes.  Now--curiously--both agencies announce that Americans should NOT trust the numbers of adverse effects--including death--reported on VAERS as being caused by the covid vaxxes, because "reported events aren't confirmed" and "reporting is voluntary."  Interesting:  If no one in the CDC or FDA trusts numbers reported by the VAERS system, what purpose does it serve (other than more federal employees)?


(The CDC's page on "adverse events reported after covid vaccination" is a masterpiece of deception.  The very first line is "Some people have no side effects."  Of course that's hardly the point, eh?  An inch later they assure you that "The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination continue to outweigh any potential risks."  But since deaths have occurred after getting the jab, what do they base that on?  Hard to say that the benefits of the jab outweigh "any" risks, since those risks include dying.

Next, they devote lots of words to convincing you that "allergic reactions" (anaphylaxis) are extremely rare, only affecting 5 people per million doses.  That's about right, but as the CDC WELL knows, allergic reactions--which happen within an hour of injection--are NOT the main danger from the covid vaxxes.  For example, the CDC admits that myocarditis (potentially fatal) occurs NOT in just 5 people per million but in "105.9" out of a million vaxxed persons.  That's 21 times more than the allergic risk, eh?  But the CDC assures us that "most patients responded well to treatment and felt better quickly."  Oh, that's reassuring, but how about defining "most."  After all, the CDC experts had enough data to state the risk of myocarditis to four significant figures ("105.9 cases per million"), but then they dismiss the actual mortality by saying "most responded well to treatment."

So...almost no risk, eh?  Well, except that VAERS shows 15,380 deaths from the "vaccines" *even under the arbitrary rules deliberately intended to make the number of deaths lower than it really is. (See above--only counting deaths occuring after 14 days after the second shot.)  And studies have shown that in other areas where reporting IS mandatory, VAERS under-reports adverse effects by a factor of 40 to 150.

*The CDC declares that for reporting purposes, the death of someone who took the vax will only be counted as "due to" the jab if the person is deemed to be "fully vaccinated"...which the CDC declares is 14 days after the second shot!  So if a death occurs a day or two or ten after the *first* shot, the CDC refuses to count it as "due to the vaccine."  Same if a death occurs within 14 days of getting the second shot.  This is obviously designed to minimize the number of reported deaths, but isn't challenged.

*Dozens of embalmers report finding never-before-seen "long" blood clots in the deceased.  All such posts are quickly deleted by Fakebook and Twatter.

*Watchdog organizations like Judicial Watch file FOIA requests with the FDA for all documents submitted by the vax-makers regarding the trials of their products and the FDA's approval process.  After the FDA ignores the FOIA requests, a judge rules the material is properly in the public domain and can't be withheld, and orders the FDA to comply.  FDA then says that they must "vet" every page, and can only spare two people to do that.  And that with 370,000 pages in the file, they expect to produce the relevant material in just...wait for it...70 years!  Judge orders the FDA to turn over 5000 pages per month, reducing the total time to a mere six years.

*January 13, 2022:  The Supreme Court overturns porridgebrain's "vaccine mandate," but leaves the regime's order forcing all federal employees and members of the armed forces to take the jab.

*March 29, 2022:  After finding that the vaxxes offer almost no protection after four months, six months after authorizing a "single booster shot," the FDA again "amends" the vaccine EUAs to authorize a *second booster shot* of either Pfizer or Moderna vaxxes for people 50 and up.  But the vax is still touted as "effective" on every regime website.

*June 17, 2022:  The FDA approves the risky, ineffective vax for children as young as six MONTHS old, despite the fact that young people have almost no risk of dying from covid.  Nevertheless, millions of Democrats rush to get their 6-month to 5-year-olds injected.  
   The vaxxes have only been available to the public for 18 months--obviously not even remotely enough time to identify any long-term effects--but after two years of constant screaming about the allegedly unusually deadly virus, the fear has become so ingrained that Democrats and frightened Republican parents ignore the risk of the vax--because the regime assures them that the vaxxes are "safe."

*July, 2022:  Fauci and the head of the CDC issue dire warnings about the danger posed by a "new variant" of duh Chyna virus, called "Omicron BA.5."  They warn that it's far more "transmissible" than earlier variants.  Media stories dutifully echo those warnings.  It's likely that naive readers interpret "danger" and "more transmissible" as meaning "greater risk of hospitalization or death," but in fact the new variant carries considerably LESS risk of either.  Stories warn that prior vaccines don't protect against BA.5, but that a *new vaccine* reportedly nearing approval will protect you.  Starting to see a pattern yet?

*July 18, 2022:  biden's HHS issues a pro-vaccine tweet that's best described as propaganda worthy of a dictatorship:

Wow, telling parents the only way to keep their child "SAFE" from covid--which has almost no effect on young people--is to force the jab on 'em.  Go for it, Democrats.  You people are always about "WE listen to the Science, while you stupid conservatives are Science Deniers!  Yep, go with that.  Let us know how that works out for ya.


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