July 19, 2022

51-year-old Canadian doctor and marathon runner--with no known medical conditions--dies

In Canada a 51-year-old doctor and marathon runner, Paul Hannam, died while running.

I've read 46 twatter posts about him, and not one mentioned his age, or whether he had a known medical condition.  (Since he was running, any existing medical condition is unlikely to have been life-threatening.)  And of course no one would have mentioned his vax status.

Now let's take a look at this: Obviously, every year some people in every age group die.  But when you take out car wrecks, shootings and known life-threatening medical conditions, it's a lot fewer than before.  But we'd like an idea of how prevalent this is.

As it turns out, the folks who keep track of this sort of thing know very well.  And ALL 51-year-olds together--including accident, shootings and known medical conditions--have a 0.00532 probability of dying that year.  That's just over one person out of 200.

If we omit known medical conditions, accidents, shootings and suicide, the percentage likely drops considerably.

Now consider the doctor's likely vax status: First, I don't know of any hospital that allows docs to work without having gotten the jab.  Also, unless you're Trudeau you're not allowed to enter Canada without either proof of jab or being quarantined for 14 days, and I think we can agree that no busy doctor would put up with that.  So the probability of his having been vaxed is well over 99%.

Now with all this said, it certainly doesn't prove that the doctor died from the jab, any more than the "unexpected, sudden" deaths of hundreds of college athletes proves anything.  Maybe young athletes with no known medical coditions have always dropped dead every week, and the only reason we notice now is because a few wackos critical of the biden regime are spinning conspiracy stories.

Yeah, dat's it.  Dis all jus' a plot by Trump supporters to make people not take duh vax!  Yeh, dat's it.

So dis death mean nothing at all to duh folks pushing duh vax.  It just "anectodal." And of course the gruberment won't do an autopsy cuz why would you do dat?  Dey ain't no foul play, eh?  So no reason to do autopsy.  Like wif all duh 20-year-old athletes, eh?  If no foul play, no autopsy.  Neat, huh? 

Seein' a pattern yet, sparky?  Nah, didn' think so.  "We believe duh Science!, they bleat.  While refusing to do even the slightest scientific investigation.  Cuz...reasons.



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