Wokies at respected dictionary publisher change the official definition of "girl" to include males
We've all seen that our "woke" so-called "elites" have totally groveled before the gay and tranny mafia. Hell, the newest, arguably dumbest and most radical black female "justice" on the supreme court--appointed by the biden regime--can't even define "woman."
Well now it's gone a step further, as the elites have changed the official, dictionary definition of "girl."
Yep. The once-respected Merriam-Webster dictionary has caved. Bent the kneee to the trannies. Here are the old and "wokie" definitions. Read 'em and weep for our abused nation:
Now some of you are thinking "This is trivial--a tempest in a teapot." No: When the woke mafia has enough power to "persuade" the people who write dictionaries to change the definition of "girl" (or woman, or female, etc), it gives ammunition to the wokies: A tranny-pushing school counselor can support their case for getting a 12-year-old to change genders by pointing to the official definition and saying "See? The dictionary says you'll BE a real girl if you take these drugs and start calling yourself Sally."The new definition is a cunning lie. Deliberate. Calculated. And those of us who reject it won't block it because we won't burn the place down or get the wokie staff and execs fired. And because the damned biden regime--as the Obozo regime earlier--supports this insanity.
When someone claims to be Napoleon Bonaparte, does the entire society agree to play along with the delusion? "But dis bees different, comrade! Cuz...well, just trust us! We're professionals--as our thousands of TikTok vids clearly show!"
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