June 21, 2021

23-year study finds being raised in an intact two-parent family outweighs race in at least two areas

Statistics.  Most people don't understand 'em, meaning it's easy for propagandists to write articles lying  about what a given stat means.  Case in point is a "longitudinal study" of almost 9,000 U.S. "residents" born from 1980 to 1984.

Starting in 1997, federal workers began interviewing the group on a wide range of topics.  Participants were then re-interviewed once a year from 1997 to 2011, and biennially since then.

One of the things the study found was that black girls raised in an intact two-parent home--the dreaded "nuclear family"--had a far higher chance of graduating from college than white girls from one-parent families.

The study also found that black boys raised in an intact two-parent home were significantly less likely to be incarcerated than white boys raised by a single parent.

This conclusion didn't surprise conservatives, but liberals were incensed!  The results discredited one of their constant claims--and they weren't about to accept those disrespectful conclusions.  So they countered that two-parent verus single-parent households was NOT important, compared to...race.  Or income.  Or membership in a country club.  Or anything, to try to discredit the inconvenient stat.

It's vital to keep in mind that no one was claiming that a higher percentage of whites graduated from college, but rather that having two parents in the home had a larger effect than race.  Same for incarceration rates: white males raised by one parent were more likely to have been jailed than black males raised in a two-parent household.

Of course you may have trouble believing how violently liberal commenters reacted to the report.  You're a rational person, so you expect that when a government study covering 23 years reported these results, rational people would reconsider some of their shrieks.  But not liberals.

Click here to see the comments.

Now OBVIOUSLY the findings noted don't claim that kids raised by a single can't do just as well as someone raised by a two-parent household.  It's just harder and more rare.

But hey, statistics are a sub-set of math, right?  And math is raaaacist!  Just ask any public-school teacher in Seattle.  They'll tell ya.  So statistics must be raaaacist too!  Which means they can be ignored, dismissed, like inflation, or two million illegal immigrants biden* and the Dems are allowing to stay in the U.S. this year.  Just meaningless numbers, citizen.



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