June 21, 2021

Wealthy liberal city touts in-person celebrations for juneteenth and gay pride, cancels same for July 4th

Evanston, Illinois is a fabulously wealthy Chicago suburb, meaning it's loaded with well-to-do white leftist liberals.  To get an idea how far left they are, city leaders have voted for the city itself to pay reparations.

So as you'd expect, the leftists who run the city government were so thrilled when the biden*harris regime made "Juneteenth" a federal holiday that they organized a big parade.  

In-person, not virtual.  Because everyone in Evanston--all good liberals--has taken the vaccine, so that mystery virus is no longer a threat.

City leaders also invited residents to attend celebrations after the parade, billed as "an afternoon of art, music, food and community."  

In person, of course.  Not virtual, because that mystery virus is no longer a threat.

The leftists who run city government scheduled another big, in-person parade on June 26th.  You may wonder what June 26th celebrates, eh?  Why, it's to close out "Pride Month," citizen.  And again, city leaders have added in-person events after the parade, sponsored by the government, including a night-time "candle lighting ceremony and memorial."  

All in-person.  Because that mystery virus is no longer a threat.

However, when it comes to July 4th--traditionally a day of parades and fireworks--the city has decided that no in-person events can be permitted.  Cuz, see, we're REALLY worried that allowing in-person parades and events would be just too, too, risky, citizen!  So you may celebrate from home, with fireworks televised.  As the city website put it, a "safe, creative virtual celebration."

Safe.  Creative.  Because between June 26 and July 4 that mysterious, formerly non-threatening virus once again became incredibly, terribly dangerous, citizen!  Your liberal city rulers can't allow you to celebrate in-person anymore, because we're all about ensuring that you're, like, totally safe!

They actually said the cancellation of all in-person events for July 4th was based on "concern for public health due to the unpredictability of the pandemic's impact, vaccination rates, and in cooperation with our local authorities."

Yet in-person events were totally fine for "juneteenth" and "gay pride," eh?  It's almost like liberal pols use the virus as a tool to suit their goal of the moment:  When they want to celebrate events they support, the virus isn't a threat at all, citizen.  But when they want to ban all in-person celebration of a patriotic American tradition, suddenly the virus becomes deadly/scary again.

Lying anti-American rat-bastards, every one of 'em. 

Source. (you'll never see this in the NYT or WaPo)



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